AcronymDefinition CDRL Contract Data Requirements List (US DoD) CDRL Contract Data Requirements List CDRL Contract Documents Requirements List CDRL Contract Deliverables Requirements List CDRL Centro Documentazione Ricerche per la Lombardia (Italian: Documentation Center of Research in Lombardy; Italy) ...
单词M/LCDR 释义 M/LCDR AcronymDefinition M/LCDRMidshipman Lieutenant Commander(United States Naval Academy) 英汉缩略语词收录了1186255条英文缩写词条,提供最新英文缩写(缩略词)查询及其意思解释,包括月份的英文缩写,有限公司英文缩写等英文缩略词。
COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease) is a convenient but inaccurate acronym used to describe a heterogeneous group of pulmonary disorders which, although superjGciallj1 similar, differ from each other in terms of their clinical manifestations and course, their defining characteristics, and their...