What is CDPUserSvc? TheCDPUserSvcis associated with theConnected Devices Platform Service. It is indeed a component of the service, and Microsoft describes it as “This user service is used for Connected Devices Platform scenarios.” The CDPUserSvc usually has a random string added to its name...
Is it possible to disable ALT + F4 function? Is it safe to clean Windows Defender folder Is it safe to delete ReAgent.xml when resuming BitLocker? Is It Safe to Uninstall OneDrive Is the "allow hybrid sleep" option removed from Windows (or is it just mine somehow)? is there a way to...
When I go to services, I see that this is not running. When I try to start it, I get this error message: So, will some of the experts here let us know what this CDP monster is, how to fix it and what to do with it?
Dave Patrick Thanks Dave, I read up on the documentation you referred, however, still not sure if it is okay to disable this service or if it even matters for performance, etc. Reply Dave Patrick MVP to Tim HunterMay 22, 2019 What roles or applications are installed? Reply Tim Hunter ...
Thanks Dave, I read up on the documentation you referred, however, still not sure if it is okay to disable this service or if it even matters for performance, etc. Dave Patrick replied toTim Hunter May 22 201908:14 AM What roles or applications are installed?
First, make sure that it’s stuck of it’s just working slower. Restart your computer and see what happens. It the computer is stuck also, restart yourcomputer using thereset button or thepower button. Most likely, Windows will start like the usual and finish installingthe updates. ...
shell experience host - what is it for Shift Key not working in Remote Desktop Connection Application since latest Windows 10 Update (Anniversary Edition) Shift+Win+S Screenshot, how do I turn off the sound notification? Shortcut Shift+F10 stopped working in all apps Shortcuts copied to C:\...
shell experience host - what is it for Shift Key not working in Remote Desktop Connection Application since latest Windows 10 Update (Anniversary Edition) Shift+Win+S Screenshot, how do I turn off the sound notification? Shortcut Shift+F10 stopped working in all apps Shortcuts copied to C:\...
Thanks Dave, I read up on the documentation you referred, however, still not sure if it is okay to disable this service or if it even matters for performance, etc. Dave Patrick replied toTim Hunter May 22 201908:14 AM What roles or applications are installed?
When I go to services, I see that this is not running. When I try to start it, I get this error message: So, will some of the experts here let us know what this CDP monster is, how to fix it and what to do with it?