Oneflare leverages a single source of truth to increase sales revenue by 270% GetSmarter uses Tableau to deliver advanced data analytics and tailored reporting for partners On-Demand Webinar Werner Enterprises is Increasing Cash Flow Using Alteryx and Tableau ...
Global employee management platform Workforce management HR outsourcing Flexible employment Blue-collar worker employment Industrial Solutions High-tech industries Integration plan for secondary HR divisions of fast-growing companies Pan-retail industry
这时候就需要运用客户数据平台,即CDP。 1. 什么是CDP(Customer Data Platform) CDP(Customer Data Platform)指的就是跨平台收集和整合客户数据的公共数据平台,CDP可以收集实时数据,并且将其构建成单独的,集中的客户档案。 CDP的存在是由于客户数据和营销运营都不可或缺。那么究竟什么是客户数据呢? 2. 什么是客户数...
What is a Customer Data Platform (CDP)? A customer data platform is a single centralized customer database containing data on all touch points and interactions with your product or service. That database can then be segmented in a nearly endless number of ways to create more personalized ...
客户数据平台(Customer Data Platform,以下简称CDP)用于收集和统一来自多个来源的第一方客户数据,将来自不同场景、不同渠道的实时数据和离线数据进行采集、整合、分析和应用。 客户数据平台(Customer Data Platform) CDP 核心功能 CDP的主要作用是帮助企业打破数据孤岛,赋能企业以数据驱动全链路营销和深度运营,实现企业数字...
所以,客户数据平台(Customer Data Platform, CDP)获得越来越多的关注就不足为奇了。 一、CDP的定义 David Raab在2013年首次提出了Customer Data Platform (CDP)的概念。并且如此定义CDP: Visualisation of a CDP (source: CDP 的目标是汇集所有客户数据并将数据存储在统一的、可多部门访问...
Trusted by over 25,000 companies, we scale seamlessly across all business sizes with our high-capacity event streaming architecture, enabling you to manage and activate large data volumes instantly, without latency or manual intervention, even during unexpected spikes. ...
近些年来,核心价值专注于数据应用的“CDP”(Customer Data Platform)客户数据平台在营销行业中渐渐兴起,经历过疫情后,越来越多的企业开始对CDP跃跃欲试。在2013 年David Raab首次提出了CDP(Customer Data Platform) 的概念,其定义为: CDP 的目标是汇集所有客户数据并将数据存储在统一的、可多部门访问的数据平台...