psql -tc "SELECT 1 FROM pg_database WHERE datname = 'das'" | grep 1 || ( psql -c "CREATE ROLE das WITH LOGIN PASSWORD 'password';"&& psql -c "ALTER ROLE das SUPERUSER;"&& psql -c "ALTER ROLE das CREATEDB;"&& psql -c "CREATE DATABASE das;"&& psql -c "GRANT ALL PRIVILEGE...
Open Rate Via Custom Campaigns 7 % Click Rate Across All Journeys 13 % Increase in Sales Volume YOY 14 % Increase in Service Drive Revenue YOY Why Dealers Choose Activator Previous Using Activator’s solution yielded remarkable results for Tempe DCJR by transforming the dealership’s performance me...
Your CDP can help you take the next steps to prepare and manage customer data. Learn more Automate data privacy With the Segment Privacy Portal, you can automate your approach to keeping your customers' data private. Learn more How to choose a CDP Choosing the right customer data platform...
Labels: Apache Hadoop Cloudera Data Platform (CDP) datascience_had Contributor Created on 01-06-2020 02:52 AM - last edited on 01-14-2020 08:07 AM by cjervis I have a simple question, Is CDP (CDH 7.x) open source? when I try to download the cm7 from this URL https:...
It will be added to any existing customer profile for that guest, or it will create a new one to begin building more rich data. Reservations Data Collection – Just as you can with your mobile app users, you can upload guest data from a reservations system, like OpenTable, into the ...
Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the result. You can start editing the page by modifying app/page.tsx. The page auto-updates as you edit the file. This project uses next/font to automatically optimize and load Geist, a new font family for Vercel. Learn More To learn...
Data Analytics Studio (DAS)是一个能够提供诊断工具和智能化的建议,使得业务数据分析师能易于上手hive的应用程序并提高工作效率。本篇文章主要介绍如何为 CDP集群安装集成 DAS(Data Analytics Studio)。 测试环境 1.Cloudera Enterprise 7.3.1和Cloudera Runtime 7.1.6 2.RedHat 7.6 3.集群已启用 Kerberos 4.OpenL...
We're thrilled to announce the release of Cloudera Data Platform (CDP) Private Cloud (PVC) Data Services 1.5.1, the next iteration of Cloudera’s on-premises, cloud-native open data lakehouse, bringing the power of cloud-native data apps to your data center. This release is j...
CDP maintains this data in an open database and proclaims to hold the world’s most comprehensive collection of self-reported environmental data. How does CDP work? For companies, CDP currently offersthree questionnaires(link resides outside (Climate Change, Water Security and Forests)....
3.OpenJDK1.8 4.MariaDB-5.5.64 5.root用户安装 前置准备 2.1 hostname及hosts配置 集群中各个节点之间能互相通信使用静态IP地址。IP地址和主机名通过/etc/hosts配置,主机名通过/etc/hostname进行配置。 以cm节点(为例: 1.hostname配置,建议你将hostname配置为有意义的字母或单词组合,比如cdp01,...