cdpfirm str81 %81s Company Name (Company) incentive str3 %9s Does a frim provide incentives for the management of climate change issues incentived byte %9.0g incentive dummy addghgdisc str69 %69s Has a firm published its response to climate change in other places addghgdiscd byte %9.0g ...
Large domestic and foreign enterprises are actively participating in climate change response activities, proposing carbon neutrality goals, and requiring supply chain enterprises to submit CDP reports. Some advanced enterprises have high CDP scores for their suppliers. ...
Climate change (3.1.1) Environmental risks identified Select from: ☑ No (3.1.2) Primary reason why your organization does not consider itself to have environmental risks in your direct operations and/or upstream/downstream value chain Select from: ☑ Environmental risks exist, but none with ...
The first stage provides a positive response to our research question in terms of: climate change risk, carbon footprint, climate change performance, and climate change forward thinking; but mixed responses for our research question in terms of involvement with regulatory bodies and climate change ...
Huawei has once again made it onto CDP's A List for its ongoing transparency and efforts in combating climate change.
China Malaysia Mexico United States of America C0.4 (C0.4) Select the currency used for all financial information disclosed throughout your response. USD C0.5 (C0.5) Select the option that describes the reporting boundary for which climate-related impacts on your business are being reported. Note...
個人/委員 水関連問題に対する責任 会の職位 最高経営 責任者 (CEO) The President and CEO (Representative Director) of NEC holds direct responsibility for addressing water security and climate change issues. NEC regards the protection of water security and resolution of climate change issues to be ...
This response contributes to SDG 13 Climate change ( Risk identifier Select from: ☑ Risk2 ( Risk types and primary environmental risk driver Acute physical ☑ Other acute physical risk, please specify :Increased severity and frequency of extreme weather events such as heavy ...
Fujitsu Limited today announced that the Fujitsu Group has been selected for the CDP's A List for climate change for the seventh year in a row, earning the highest rating in the CDP's evaluation of corporate activities in response to climate change.CDP...
This is also the third consecutive year that BTS Group has submitted a response for CDP submission. CDP is a non-profit organisation that is internationally recognised for its focus on climate change management, based on international carbon dioxide and climate change standards. CDP assesses ...