This should install CDO with grib, netcdf and HDF5 support. Note that the binaries are in /opt/cdo-install/bin. Add this folder to the path to make the binaries available everywhere. 28 thoughts on “Install Climate Data Operator (CDO) with NetCDF, GRIB2 and HDF5 support” RAju March...
wgrib2 file 查看grib2的信息 cdo sinfo file 查看nc、grib等文件,好用 diff file1 file2 > aa 比较12文件,结果输出到aa mpirun -np 1 real.exe -np表示加载的进程个数,然后是1,最后是运行的可执行文件 wget url 下载某个链接下的文件 scp 文件路径 用户名@ip地址:对方接受路径 ,还需要知道对方密码就...
* uv2dv: ignore GRIB2 parameter id 2016-05-20 Uwe Schulzweida * Select: check level only if no vars selected 2016-04-28 Uwe Schulzweida * readline: added support for DOS text files (\r\n) 2016-04-26 Uwe Schulzweida * New operator: smooth - Smooth grid points 2016...