CDM consultancy is provided as an independent consultant or as an integral part of any design team providing valuable support, impartial advice and assistance to the principal or lead designer, designers, project managers, principal contractors and clients. By working closely with our clients we provi...
Principal Designer Advisor Principal Contractor Advisor More details Construction Safety (incl. annual Retainer) Retainer and One-off Competent Advice Site Documentation Risk Assessment and Method Statements (RAMS) Site Inspections CHAS More details
Unfortunately, a principal designer cannot safely organize design meetings during the COVID-19 pande FacebookTwitterEmailLinkedIn read more Architecture – there’s a brilliant app for that! ‘There’s an app for that’ was Apple’s battle cry in their 2009 advert, and we scoffed at the ...
As a designer under the Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2007, do you consider the use of a Designer Risk Assessment to be part of your requirements? Designers need to supply the right information at the right time, does ... Caroline Haldane MCIAT - 《Architectural Technology》...