In addition to our CDM 2015 statutory duties as principal designer, we can also: Provide a dedicated CDM 2015 consultant to each project, for the duration of each project Ensure RIDDOR investigations are carried out and appropriate reporting is undertaken. Where necessary, we will intervene to ens...
CDM 2015 is divided into five parts: Part 1 deals with the application of CDM 2015 and definitions. ... Regulation 4 Client duties in relation to managing projects. Regulation 5 Appointment of the principal designer and the principal contractor. ...
ContentsSpecimen letter to 'the Client' from a designerRachel Barnes
Simply CDM provides Principal Designer and CDM Advisory services to clients, designers and principal contractors to support them in undertaking their legal duties under the CDM Regulations.
CDMClient Delivery Manager CDMCommercial Development Manager CDMCollège de Maisonneuve(Montréal, Canada) CDMCable Data Modem(Cisco) CDMControlled Delamination Material(Stora Enso) CDMCommittee on Disaster Management(Sri Lanka) CDMCentres Départementaux de la Météorologie(in France) ...
Source: CDM Regulations 2015 Explained, 1 Jan 2015 (151–156) Transitional and saving provisions Authors: Raymond Joyce Source: CDM Regulations 2015 Explained, 1 Jan 2015 (171–176) Summary of the Client’s duties under the CDM Regulations 2007 Authors: BarnesRachel Source: Professional Services...
overseesdesigners,thedesignersduties underCDM2007fallson: –PersonwhocommissionsitifinGBor –Theclientforthework CDM2007Designers–Slide4 Dutiesondesigners(1) •Designershaveto: –Ensureclientsareawareoftheirduties –Makesurethey(thedesigner)are