2025年1月30日至2月2日,西班牙马德里Caja Mágica体育馆见证了一场载入《使命召唤》电竞史册的巅峰对决——“Call of Duty League 2025 Major 1赛事”以Atlanta Faze战队登顶冠军的辉煌时刻圆满落幕。在这场汇聚全球顶尖战队的竞技盛宴中,BLACKLYTE逐夜作为CDL 2025的赛事官方合作伙伴,以搭载智能反馈系统的电竞桌椅构建...
major CDLシステムが容量の設定済みパーセンテージ(デフォルトの80 %)に達すると、システムはアラームをトリガーします(過負荷保護機能が有効になっている場合のみ) cdlOverload – 重大 critical CDLシステムが容量の設定済みパーセンテージ(デフォルトは90 % ...
First launched internationally in 1979, long before sustainability and community responsiveness became fashionable with major corporations, the ULI awards were created specifically to be a way for property industry players to learn from each other and lead by example. “The ULI is a beacon ...
cdl-slot-session-c1-m5-1 1/1 Running 0 34d smf-data-worker-2 <none> <none> cdl-slot-session-c1-m6-0 1/1 Running 0 80d smf-data-worker-1 <none> <none> cdl-slot-session-c1-m6-1 1/1 Running 0 80d smf-data...
, this update adds even more into the mix. Several weapons, attachments, and even entire weapon classes have been balanced. Among these include the staple AR of the Call of Duty League, the Krig 6, tuning on all assault rifle barrel attachments, and a big nerf to SMG sprint speed stats...
master-1:~$ kubectl get pods -n smf-smf -o wide NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE IP NODE NOMINATED NODE READINESS GATES cdl-ep-session-c1-d0-7889db4d87-5mln5 1/1 Running 0 80d smf-data-worker-5 <none> <none>