A DynamoDB table named "StoreEventsDB" is created with a partition key "id" of type string. A Lambda function named "LambdaExtractor" is created with the provided source code and environment variables. The Lambda function is granted write permissions to the DynamoDB table. An S3 event source...
A common way to use bundling assets in your application is by using the aws-cdk-lib/aws-lambda-nodejs library. Configures privileged mode for the synth CodeBuild action. If you are about to turn this on in an already-deployed Pipeline, set the value to true first, commit and allow ...
Codepipeline/EcsDeployAction Service Role's have insufficient permissions CDK CLI Version 2.108.0 (build5665a95) Framework Version No response Node.js Version v18.17.1 OS Amazon Linux 2 Language Python Language Version Python 3.8.16 Other information No response The error CannotPullContainerError: pu...
software.amazon.awscdk.services.codepipeline.Pipeline All Implemented Interfaces: IResource, IPipeline, INotificationRuleSource, software.amazon.jsii.JsiiSerializable, software.constructs.IConstruct, software.constructs.IDependable @Generated(value="jsii-pacmak/1.106.0 (build e852934)", date="2025-02-...
2.101.0 Node.js Version 18.18.0 OS Ubuntu Language TypeScript Language Version 5.2.2 Other information No response 👍32 Activity davekerberadded bugThis issue is a bug. needs-triageThis issue or PR still needs to be triaged. on Oct 15, 2023 github-actionsadded @aws-cdk/aws-s3Related ...
constfn=newlambda.Function(this,"fn",{handler:"index.handler",code:lambda.Code.fromInline(`exports.handler = \${handler.toString()}`),runtime:lambda.Runtime.NODEJS_LATEST});newcdk.CfnOutput(this,'FunctionArn',{value:fn.functionArn,}); ...
node.addDependency(mySecret.secret); Configuration Options EncryptedSecret The EncryptedSecret supports the following configuration options in EncryptedSecretProps: secretProps: SecretProps - The SecretProps for the Secret to be created. If existingSecretObj is provided, this property is ignored. existing...
创建空 pipeline AWS 有一套托管的 CI/CD 服务,包括 CodeBuild 和CodePipeline 等几个服务。先在CDK 中创建一个空的 pipeline。注意这里的 connectionArn 来自于在上一步中创建的 GitHub connection。 // ./cdk/lib/pipeline-stack.ts import { Stack, StackProps } from 'aws-cdk-lib'; import { Constru...
});// Create the Lambda functionconstlambdaExtractor =newlambda.Function(stack,'LambdaExtractor', {runtime: lambda.Runtime.NODEJS_14_X,code: lambda.Code.fromAsset('path/to/lambda/code'),handler:'index.handler',environment: {EVENTS_TABLE_NAME: eventsTable.tableName, ...
tsc -v results in the latest TypeScript version.this.codePipeline = new CodePipeline(this, `${environment}-${appName}-`, { pipelineName: `${environment}-${appName}-`, selfMutation: true, crossAccountKeys: false, role: this.codePipelineRole, synth: new ShellStep("Deployment", { inpu...