and mitosis. Phosphorylates PARVA/actopaxin, APC, AMPH, APC, BARD1, Bcl-xL/BCL2L1, BRCA2, CALD1, CASP8, CDC7, CDC20, CDC25A, CDC25C, CC2D1A, CENPA, CSNK2 proteins/CKII, FZR1/CDH1, CDK7, CEBPB, CHAMP1, DMD/dystrophin, EEF1 proteins/EF-1, EZH2, KIF11/EG5, EGFR, FAN...
in a cell-cycle-dependent manner and represses its transcriptional activity. Component of the ternary complex, cyclin D/CDK4/CDKN1B, required for nuclear translocation and activity of the cyclin D-CDK4 complex. {ECO:0000269|PubMed:15241418, ECO:0000269|PubMed:18827403, ECO:0000269|PubMed:9003781...
We acknowledge and thank the patients who provided the primary samples for this research. The laboratory of Q. Wang, Beijing Institute Genomics, Chinese Academy of Science kindly donated MV-4-11, OCI-AML2, OCI-AML3 and Kasumi-1 cell lines. MOLT-4 cells were provided by Stem Cell Bank, ...
Serine/threonine-protein kinase involved in the control of the cell cycle and differentiation; promotes G1/S transition. Phosphorylates pRB/RB1 and NPM1. Interacts with D-type G1 cyclins during interphase at G1 to form a pRB/RB1 kinase and controls the entrance into the cell cycle. Involved...
CDK9 cDNA / gene is a gene with protein product which located on 9q34.11. The CDK9 gene is conserved in chimpanzee, Rhesus monkey, dog, cow, mouse, rat, chicken, zebrafish, fruit fly, mosquito, C.elegans, S.pombe, and frog. 241 organisms have orthologs with human gene CDK9. ...
AwsSolutions-RDS11 The RDS instance or Aurora DB cluster uses the default endpoint port. Port obfuscation (using a non default endpoint port) adds an additional layer of defense against non-targeted attacks (i.e. MySQL/Aurora port 3306, SQL Server port 1433, PostgreSQL port 5432, etc). Aws...
Cdk14is reported to have higher expression levels in many tumor tissues than in normal tissues, and significantly enhances the proliferation and migration of cancer cells [11,12]. For example, in osteosarcoma cells, circ-CDK14 directly targets the oncogene miR-198, leading to an increase in the...
which are a sub-population of stem-like tumor cells that contribute to disease progression and recurrence, and thus are important therapeutic targets9,10,11. In the absence of validated markers, a consensus standardization of GSCs is lacking11,12. We define our GSCs as sphere-forming cells from...
Interestingly, the active compounds A51 and A86 targeted 2 of 7 known transcriptional kinases, showing high inhibition of CDK7 (TFIIH) and CDK9 (P-TEFb) but hardly any inhibition of CDK8, CDK13, CDK11a, CDK11b, and CDK19 (Figure S4B). CDK7 phosphorylates the carboxy-terminal domain (...
CDK6-AS1 KD cells acquired CD11b expression, a marker of myeloid maturation with respect to negative control (shNEG) cells (79.5% versus 55.2%, respectively, Figure 4A, ∗p value<0.05; same results were found in transient transfection for HL-60 and U-937 cell lines, see also Figures S...