A DMA control circuit of a CD-ROM decoder includes a host mode selector 100A for selectively outputting read/write data, host write signal and read data according to a host mode select signal when a host computer is connected to 80-series CPU or SCSI controller to access the external buffe...
能赚钱吗?合肥“盒饭姐”回应质疑:一天能挣个二三百 关注 赞 评论 河南影像志丨1986年河南省大力发展奶牛业 大陆警告“采取断然措施”后,台军头子顾立雄谈“备战”,结结巴巴语无伦次。#台海时刻 当地时间3月14日,#加拿大总理特鲁多正式辞职 加拿大新总理#卡尼:将应对#美国关税 超级兵王采访影像,9立特等功...