Cisplatinum (CDDP) and etoposide (VP16) in "poor risk" small cell lung carcinoma (SCLCA) - European Journal of Cancerdoi:10.1016/0959-8049(93)91496-8Casadio, M.Marioni, A.Melotti, B.Ramini, R.Pannuti, F.European Journal of Cancer...
CDDP-resistant (SBC-3/CDDP) and VP16-resistant (SBC-3/VP16) small cell lung cancer(SCLC) cells show a unique collateral sensitivity in culture : Taisuke OHNOSHI, Hiroshi UEOKA, Katsuyuki KIURA, Nagio TAKIGAWA and Ikuro KIMURA Department of Medicine, Okayama University Medical School, Okayama...
Results of Cisplatin (CDDP)/Etoposide (VP16)/5-FU and alternatively Adriamycin or Mitomycin C (PEFAM) combination in primary resistant breast cancer and in heavily pre-treated metastatic breast cancerIn spite of the activity of chemotherapeutic agents, metastatic breast cancer remains an incurable ...
SCR7 and NU7441 also significantly increased VP-16; CDDP induced DNA double-stand breaks level and delayed drug-induced DSB repair, as seen on the comet assay and measured using H2AX foci. We also observed changes in cell cycle distribution and enhanced apoptosis ratio in colorectal ...
Clinical evaluation of adjuvant chemoradiotherapy with CDDP, 5-Fu, and VP-16 for advanced esophageal cancer[J] . Hidenori Mukaida,Toshihiro Hirai,Yoshinori Yamashita,Kazuhiro Yoshida,Jun Hihara,Masaki Kuwahara,Hideki Inoue,Tetsuya Toge.The Japanese Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery . 1998 ...
应用Navelbine(NVB)与Cis-platinum(CDDP)组合,进行对肺腺癌治疗的临床观察,并与临床常用方案Etoposide(VP-16)Cis-platinum(CDDP)对照观察如下.1 材料与方法1 1 病例选择全部病例106例,随机分为A,B两组,各53例.条件为:1)非手术肺腺癌患者;2)有病理/细胞学及X线(CT,MRI)诊断;3)无重度心,肝,肾及骨髓功能...
Response rate in advanced soft tissue sarcoma using cisplatin (CDDP), adriamycin, and VP16An abstract is unavailable. This article is available as a PDF only.doi:10.1097/00043426-199123000-00031E. G. AntoneliR. MelaragnoL. A. Marques
Accelerated hyperfractionated thoracic radiation therapy plus concomitant VP16-CDDP chemotherapy for unresectable stage III non-small cell lung cancerShaw, E. G.McGinnis, W.Jett, J.Su, J.LUNG CANCER -AMSTERDAM-
Concurrent platinum (CDDP)-etoposide (VP-16) chemotherapy plus thoracic radiotherapy (TRT) for limited stage small cell lung cancer (SCLC) : N. Saijo, M. Fukuoka, K. Furuse, Y. Ariyoshi, Y. Nishiwaki, H. Ikegami, M. Oritsu A Japanese Lung Cancer Chemotherapy Group (JLCCG) study, ...
Phase II trial with weekly cisplatin (CDDP) and continously oral etoposide (VP-16) in advanced non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) - European Journal of Cancerdoi:10.1016/0959-8049(93)91521-LLopez, R.Fernandez, R.Virizuela, J.A.