Where will I get CDCS certification study material? A: The cost of CDCS certification study material is covered along with the CDCS exam registration fees. Once you pay the registration fees, you will be provided with access to the below: Unit syllabus Student handbook Study text Specimen paper...
CandidateStudyGuide CDCSExaminations–fromApril2008 ifsSchoolofFinance IfsHouse,4–9BurgateLane Canterbury,Kent,CT12XJ,UnitedKingdom Telephone:(+44)(0)1227818609 Fax:(+44)(0)1227784331 InternationalFinancialServicesAssociation 9SylvanWay,Suite130
Prepare ‘flash cards’ to capture key terms, definitions, exhibits and other material that you have identified for additional study. Work with a partner or study group to teach and test each other. Test yourself frequently. What do I know? Do not spend time studying what you know. Use ...