CDC - Weight For Age - Child 2 to 20 Years Gender Male Female Birthday Measure Date Weight Unit kg lb Solution: Percentile and Age Parameter Value Percentile 50.0% Age 119.9 months Weight 31.9 kg / 70.3 lb Chart: Weight vs. Age Percentile Graph 246096132168204240Age (Months)...
LMS Parameters for Boys: Height for Age. National health and nutrition survey (NHANES), CDC/National Center for Health Statistics. TheCDC Height for Age Percentiles for Boys (2 - 20 years)calculator is created by QxMD. Default Units
projection: id, age, weight, height, weight / (height * height) as bmi filter: age > 18 AND name IS NOT NULL 即可对传递的数据流应用投影操作(仅保留原表中的部分列)、计算操作(根据原列数据计算新列并追加到数据记录中)和过滤操作(从结果中清除符合条件的数据行)。可以书写多条 Transform 规则,它...
transform: -source-table: db.tbl1projection: id, age, weight, height, weight / (height*height) as bmifilter: age >18ANDname ISNOTNULL 即可对传递的数据流应用投影操作(仅保留原表中的部分列)、计算操作(根据原列数据计算新列并追加到数据记录中)和过滤操作(从结果中清除符合条件的数据行)。可以书写...
projection: id, age, weight, height, weight / (height * height) as bmi filter: age > 18 AND name IS NOT NULL 即可对传递的数据流应用投影操作(仅保留原表中的部分列)、计算操作(根据原列数据计算新列并追加到数据记录中)和过滤操作(从结果中清除符合条件的数据行)。可以书写多条 Transform 规则,它...
projection:id,age,weight,height,weight/(height*height)as bmi filter:age>18AND name IS NOTNULL 即可对传递的数据流应用投影操作(仅保留原表中的部分列)、计算操作(根据原列数据计算新列并追加到数据记录中)和过滤操作(从结果中清除符合条件的数据行)。可以书写多条 Transform 规则,它们会同时生效。[1] ...
projection: id, age, weight, height, weight / (height * height) as bmi filter: age > 18 AND name IS NOT NULL 1. 2. 3. 4. 即可对传递的数据流应用投影操作(仅保留原表中的部分列)、计算操作(根据原列数据计算新列并追加到数据记录中)和过滤操作(从结果中清除符合条件的数据行)。可以书写多条...
LMS Parameters for Boys: Infant Weight for Age. National health and nutrition survey (NHANES), CDC/National Center for Health Statistics. TheCDC/NCHS Infant Weight for Age Percentiles (<36 months)calculator is created by QxMD. Default Units ...
doi:10.1080/03014469600004662This paper examines the relationship between the standard deviation scores of weight-for-age (WAZ), height-for-age (HAZ) and weight-for-height (WHZ) calculated using the CDC/WHO reference. The pattern of WHZ with age is explored for CDC/WHO reference children ...
Although children's BMI is calculated using the same formula as adults, a healthy weight is measuredin relation to other kidsof the same age and gender. This is because children's height and weight can vary significantly as they grow.