Paul Offit would like the world to see him as a champion of children’s health and a disinterested observer of controversial issues in autism and vaccine safety. In the view of many in the autism community, he is the worst kind of partisan: a Merck-made millionaire, a determined propagandi...
Office of Information Policy | FOIA Guide, 2004 Edition: Exemption 5. 23 July 2014, Vaccine Safety Publications | Research | Vaccine Safety | CDC. 27 Feb. 2024,
By Sayer JiAccording to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), "Immunity to a disease is achieved through the presence of antibodies to that disease in a person's system."[i] This, in...featuredvaccine exemptionii
So couple that with “take the vaccine” and, people, we have a traitor in the castle. The evidence is all over the wall, but Trumpers have forgotten how to read. You’d think he was the 2nd coming to listen to his followers defend his actions. It’s truly spooky as well as ...
Parents' Source of Vaccine Information and Impact on Vaccine Attitudes, Beliefs, and Nonmedical Exemptions Between 2002 and 2003, surveys were mailed to 1,630 parents of fully vaccinated children and 815 parents of children with at least one vaccine exemption; 56.1% responded. Respondents were ...