Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's guidelines for the treatment of HIV infection and other sexually transmitted diseases. Use of antiretroviral agents in symptomatic and asymptomatic adults and adolescents infected with HIV; Information about promoting patients' adherence to antiretroviral therapy....
The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and other federal government agencies have issued several guidelines and recommendations about the prevention, screening, diagnosis, treatment, and management of HIV infection. The CDC references the most current Dep
Changes in the risk of death after HIV seroconversion compared with mortality in the general population. Mortality among human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-infected individuals has decreased dramatically in countries with good access to treatment and may now b......
酶标记物为抗人 IgG 抗体,可同时检测 HIV-1 和 HIV-2 型,特异性和灵敏度都有所提高,HIV 检测...
Focuses on the guidelines provided by the United States Centers for Disease Control & Prevention for the diagnosis, treatment and proper clinical guidance in the appropriate assessment of the sexually transmitted diseases (STD). Significance of effective clinical management of STD in prevention of HIV ...
2021年美国CDC性传播感染诊疗指南 解读 向俊秋,刘原君 性传播感染(sexuallytransmittedinfections,STIs)是指主要通过性接触引起的 感染,性传播疾病(sexuallytransmitteddiseases,STDs)是指由性传播感染发 展而来的可识别的疾病状态。2021年7月23日美国疾病控制与预防中心 (CentersforDiseaseControlandPrevention,CDC)发布了最...
研究对象:232名HIV阴性的MSM和跨性别女性(TGW),同时使用替诺福韦和恩曲他滨(TDF/FTC)作为HIV的暴露前预防(PrEP)。 研究方法:参与者随机分配至:(1)多西环素200 mg单剂量口服,最好在无保护性行为后24小时内服用,最迟不超过72小时,每周最多三次;(2)不服用药物预防。主要终点是在10个月的随访期间首次出现细菌...
研究对象:232名HIV阴性的MSM和跨性别女性(TGW),同时使用替诺福韦和恩曲他滨(TDF/FTC)作为HIV的暴露前预防(PrEP)。 研究方法:参与者随机分配至:(1)多西环素200 mg单剂量口服,最好在无保护性行为后24小时内服用,最迟不超过72小时,每周最多三次;(2)不服用药物预防。主要终点是在10个月的随访期间首次出现细菌...
[0081] 术语“治疗(treating)”或“治疗(treatment of)”病症或疾病是指采取步骤来减 轻病症或疾病(例如,肿瘤生长或癌症)的症状,或以其它方式获得受试者的一些有益或所 期望的结果,包含临床结果。任何有益的或所期望的临床结果可以包含但不限于减轻或改 善癌症或条件存活的一种或多种症状以及减少肿瘤负荷或肿瘤...