Immunity to tetanus, diphtheria, and acellular pertussis (Tdap) tends to decrease with age, and this decline may be accelerated after cancer treatment.140 It is strongly recommended that individuals diagnosed with cancer receive the Tdap vaccine if they have not been vaccinated as adults (Table 2)...
Gamma globulin丙种球蛋白 Hyaluronidase透明质酸酶 lysozyme溶菌酶 pancreatin胰酶 streptokinase(SK)溶栓酶,链激酶 tetanus antitoxin破伤风抗霉素 urokinase尿激酶Eye and ENT Drugs眼、耳、鼻、喉用药 atropine阿托品 borax硼沙 chloramphenicol eye drops氯霉素滴眼液 cortisone acetate eye drops醋酸可的松滴眼液 homatropine后...