TB transmission in workplace; Recommendation from CDC for annual respirator training and periodic user seal-checking; Desire of the agency to laboratory personnel who use respiratory protection to get the same training on their use and care and the same fit-testing as other healthcare workers.EBSCO...
testing,andtreatmentcodes;pharmacyrecordsforspecif-eases,andinfectioncontrol.BothCategoryIAandIBrec- icantimicrobialprescriptions;andadministrativerecordsommendationsareapplicablefor,andshouldbeadoptedby, forrehospitalizationsandemergencyroomvisits.446Thisallhealthcarefacilities;IAandIBrecommendationsdiffer studyfoundthatph...
2 new IGRAs were FDA approved to assist in diagnosing latent and activeM tuberculosisinfection: QuantiFERON-TB Gold In-Tube test (QFT-GIT) and the T-SPOT.TB test (T-Spot). For these assays, the antigens, methods, and interpretation criteria are different from those for previously FDA...
The MICROCON® 800/400 was the first mobile hospital air purifier to address the safety concerns of health care (healthcare) workers. The location and process of air intake and exhaust is critical to the HEPA filter’s functionality and unique level of performance. Design of a health care a...
引言 灵魂拷问:说出2-3周进行HIV抗原/抗体检测甚至HIV抗体检测阴性就可以100%排除HIV感染的人真的害怕...
Though the Yellow Book has information for all types of travelers, including families, military personnel and healthcare and humanitarian aid workers, the timing of the update may be particularly helpful for the growing number of U.S. students who are heading overseas to study abroad at this tim...
They gave me a song and dance about I would have to be isolated and all my care workers would have to wear hazmat. Oh well. I stuck to it. When shifts changed a nurse came in with the swab. She was giving a sugary line of monkey poop how I should have it. I said,” no. ”...
CDC May Drop Routine TB Skin Testing in Some AreasResponding to declining tuberculosis rates, the CDC soon may drop its recommendation for annual TB skin testing of health care workers in areas of low TB ...
The article discusses the advise by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to the clinicians on substituting blood test for tuberculin skin test (TST) during assessment of tuberculosis infection.doi:10.1001/jama.2013.6388NoneJama the Journal of the American Medical Association...