Tissuetraumaorhealthcareworkers.ArecentreportbyKluytmansand coworkerssuggestedthatSSIriskwasreducedinpatients Adaptedfromreferences25,37. whohadcardiothoracicoperationswhenmupirocinwas appliedpreoperativelytotheirnares,regardlessofcarrier status.152Inthisstudy,SSIratesfor752mupirocin-treated mediastinitisaftercardiacbypass...
The Democratic nominee for president is so committed to staying up to date on jabs that Vice President Kamala Harris made COVID boosting a requirement to work on her campaign, “unless otherwise prohibited by applicable law.” They can also ask the human resources department for a “reasonable...
The MICROCON® 800/400 was the first mobile hospital air purifier to address the safety concerns of health care (healthcare) workers. The location and process of air intake and exhaust is critical to the HEPA filter’s functionality and unique level of performance. Design of a health care a...