Supplemental Digital Content is Available in the Text.#The purpose of this investigation was to evaluate the utility of the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Surgical Wound Classification (SWC) in predicting surgical site infection (SSI) after orthopaedic trauma procedures.#Retrospective cohort study....
RiskofSurgicalSiteInfectionDevelopment256 Table6.MechanismandSpectrumofActivityofAntisepticAgentsCommonlyUsed forPreoperativeSkinPreparationandSurgicalScrubs257 Table7.SurgicalWoundClassification259 Table8.ParametersforOperatingRoomVentilation,AmericanInstituteofArchitects,1996260 Table9.ParametersforFlashSterilizationCycles,Asso...
Wound classification was strongly prognostic for readmission in multivariable models, suggesting that it may serve as a marker of readmissions. Surgical procedures that are “non-clean” are at significantly greater risk for 30-day readmission. Readmissions may be due to infectious complications; optimiz...
The aggressive feature of glioblastoma cells is their invasion of surrounding normal brain tissues, which is the primary reason for incomplete surgical resection, chemo-radiation resistance and inevitable recurrence. There are very limited possibilities to target these processes therapeutically2. In light ...
A total of 48 glioma samples were obtained from patients undergoing surgical resection for diffuse gliomas at Department of Neurosurgery of Affiliated Hospital of Jin- ing Medical University from December 2014 to September 2015. Clinical and pathological materials were collected and statistically analyzed ...
In 95 of the patients the treatment of open tibia shaft fractures consisted of the surgical treatment of wound and the external fixation of the fractured bone using "Mitkovic" type external fixator with a convergent method of pin applications. One primary amputations had been done in patients ...
life-support devices or systems, other medical devices or systems (including resuscitation equipment and surgical implants), pollution control or hazardous substances management, or other uses where the failure of the device or system could cause ...
A total of 48 glioma samples were obtained from patients undergoing surgical resection for diffuse gliomas at Department of Neurosurgery of Affiliated Hospital of Jin- ing Medical University from December 2014 to September 2015. Clinical and pathological materials were collected and statistically analyzed ...