Non-pharmacologic Patient Group Essential Recommended Depending on local guidelines A Smoking cessation (can include pharmacologic treatment) Physical activity Flu vaccination Pneumococcal vaccination B, C, D Smoking cessation (can include pharmacologic treatment) Pulmonary rehabilitation Physical activity Flu vac...
Clinical descriptions and diagnostic guidelines. The ICD-10 classification of mental and behavioural disorders.. World Health Organization.P3, 26, 65 3. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The health consequences of smoking: nicotine addiction; a report of the surgeon general. US Department ...
"With 39% of surveyed COPD patients reporting they continue to smoke, there is an opportunity for physicians to counsel patients and refer them to smoking cessation programs," Chest Editor-in-Chief Richard S. Irwin, MD, said in a news release. "Given the data contained in the CDC report,...
【引用本文】中国研究型医院学会微创外科学专业委员会.日间腹腔镜胆囊切除术专家共识[S].腹腔镜外科杂志,2023,28(8):561-567,573. 【摘要】日间手术的概念最早由英国的Nicoll医师提出,指患者于1d(24h)内完成入院、出院的手术或操作。近年,我国也逐步开展了腹腔镜胆囊切除...
TheGuidelineforPreventionofSurgicalSite5.Encouragetobaccocessation.Atminimum, Infection,1999,providesrecommendationsconcerninginstructpatientstoabstainforatleast30daysbeforeelec- reductionofsurgicalsiteinfectionrisk.Eachrecommenda-tiveoperationfromsmokingcigarettes,cigars,pipes,or tioniscategorizedonthebasisofexistingscienti...