B. Smoking cessation services(戒烟服务的信息) C. The benefits of quitting(戒烟的益处) D. All of above(以上全部) 查看完整题目与答案 内容定位需要思考自己喜欢和擅长什么。() A. 正确 B. 错误 查看完整题目与答案 晶体三极管小信号模型中,体现基区宽度调制效应的参数是___。 A. B. ...
Get with the program: Adherence to a smartphone app for smoking cessation Study identified empirically and theoretically-informed measures of engagement in a smoking cessation app.Fully adherent users (24%) to the smoking cessati... Zeng, Emily Y,Heffner, Jaimee L,Copeland, Wade K,... - 《...
女,35岁,反复发热35天,患者持续高热10天时,当地医院曾给予氯霉素治疗,5天后热退出院,出院后未接受任何治疗,2周后再次出现发热,查体:体温38.5℃,肝在肋下2cm,脾在肋下1.5cm,血象: WBC 3.0×109/L,N 0.70,L0.30,肝功能检查:ALT 200U/L,TBIL 16umol/L,大便隐血实验++,最可能的诊断是()