怀孕期妇女接种疫苗的效益一般都比暴露于高致病性感染疾病的风险要高,特别是此感染可能给母体或胎儿带来高风险以及疫苗一般情况下是安全并不会带来伤害(详见CDC. General recommendations on immunization: recommendations of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practic...
怀孕期妇女接种疫苗的效益一般都比暴露于高致病性感染疾病的风险要高,特别是此感染可能给母体或胎儿带来高风险以及疫苗一般情况下是安全并不会带来伤害(详见CDC. General recommendations on immunization: recommendations of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP). MMWR 2011; 60 (No. 2): 26.) ...
The study authors encouraged healthcare providers to make strong vaccine recommendations for their patients, strengthen family-provider relationships, and provide parental education about the vaccines. They suggested reducing missed opportunities for vaccination by offering simultaneous administration of childhood ...
The draft recommendations were released to the public for open comment from July 28 to August 11, 2023. Response categories of “Agree as written,”“Agree with suggested modifications,” and “Disagree. See comments” were captured for every proposed recommendation, with 47 written comments receive...
International travel plans bring a separate list of recommendations: According to the CDC, unvaccinated babies whose families are planning to travel internationally should receive the first dose of themeasles vaccinebetween 6 months and 11 months of age, prior to departure. ...
The World Health Organization’s Strategic Advisory Group of Experts on Immunization is removing “healthy children and adolescents” from its default recommendations for primary series and booster shots, according to an official “highlights” summary from its meetings the week of March 20. ...
As trust in federal health agencies haswitheredover the last few months, a group of Black physicians has been working on an antidote: creating their own expert task force to independently vet regulators’ decisions about Covid-19 drugs and vaccines as well as government recommendations for curbing...
Two doses of MMR vaccine offers 97% protection against measles, the CDC says, and at least one dose offers 93%. The shot offers lifelong protection against measles. Most Americans got two doses of the vaccine by the time they were 6 years old, under CDC recommendations and widespread schoo...
Prior recommendations had advised the pneumococcal shot for two vulnerable age groups: children under the age of 5 and seniors age 65 and older. People of other ages with certain health conditions are also advised to get the shot. Pneumococcal disease is caused byStreptococcuspneumoniaeand related ...
By Kent Heckenlively, Esq. I'm having a lot of trouble trying to write an article about MMR/Autism whistleblower, William Thompson. On the one hand I don't want to waste this opportunity to show the scientific community that our concerns our...