Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has recommended the reduction of postexposure rabies vaccine doses for people to four, rather than five. It states that a panel of rabies experts found that four doses of vaccine elicit an immunological response similar to five doses. It also says ...
People with category III exposure who have received complete pre-or postexposure prophylaxis with a vaccine of unproven potency,including nerve tissue vaccines,or an incomplete course of pre-or post-exposure prophylaxis should receive a full post-exposure vaccination course,including rabies immunoglobulin....
Antibody response of patients after postexposure rabies vaccination with small intradermal doses of purified chick embryo cell vaccine or purified Vero cell rabies vaccine. Bull World Health Organ. 2000;78:696. (未完待续) 参考文献: Plotkin...
Two vaccines are available for monkeypox. Vaccine expert Agam Rao, MD, medical officer in CDC's Poxvirus andRabiesBranch, answers questions about their effectiveness and dosing. How effective is the smallpox vaccine against monkeypox, and how was it identified as potentially protective against monke...
died of rabies in late February. His death prompted a public health investigation that found that other organs from same Florida donor went to recipients in Florida, Georgia and Illinois. They are "very likely" out of danger, having begun post-exposure treatment before developing symptoms, Franka...
18、of immune response to purified chick embryo cell tissue culture rabies vaccine (PCECV) in HIV infected individuals using a simulated post-exposure regimen. In: XIII International AIDS Conference, Durban, South Africa, July 2000, p. 163-8,免疫抑制患者的狂犬病疫苗接种,HIV感染者对疫苗接种的 ...
Investigation of immune response to purified chick embryo cell tissue culture rabies vaccine (PCECV) in HIV 40、infected individuals using a simulated post-exposure regimen. In: XIII International AIDS Conference, Durban, South Africa, July 2000, p. 163-8 HIV感 染者对疫苗接种 的免 疫应答可能...
It was suggested that the vaccine schedule for postexposure prophylaxis be reduced to prevent the transfer of human rabies to persons who have not previously received rabies vaccine. Postexposure prophylaxis include immediate, thorough cleaning of all wounds with soup and water and administration of ...
People with category III exposure who have received complete pre-or postexposure prophylaxis with a vaccine of unproven potency,including nerve tissue vaccines,or an incomplete course of pre-or post-exposure prophylaxis should receive a full post-exposure vaccination course,including rabies immunoglobulin...
Miriam E. Tucker