(2014). CDC grand rounds: A public health approach to prevention of intimate partner violence. MMWR-Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, 63(2), 38-41.Spivak, H. R., Jenkins, E. L., VanAudenhove, K., Lee, D., Kelly, M., & Iskander, J. (2014). CDC Grand Rounds: A public ...
She holds a Master of Urban Planning from New York University’s Wagner School of Public Service. Alisha Somji is a program manager at Prevention Institute where she applies a public health approach to preventing multiple forms of violence and promoting mental wellbeing. Alisha supports communities ...
GOING WHERE apparently no epidemiologists have ever gone before, a team from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) in Atlanta, Ga, has taken the public health approach to the most extreme outbreak in the ongoing epidemic of urban violence.Seven investigators descended on Los Angeles, Calif, as...
Violence against women as a public health issue: Comments from the CDCdoi:10.1016/S0749-3797(00)00241-5LindaESaltzmanandYvonneTGreenandJamesSSDOSAmerican Journal of Preventive MedicineSaltzman, L. E., Green, Y. T., Marks, J. S., & Thacker, S. B. (2000). Violence against women as a...
STRYVE: Striving To Reduce Youth Violence Everywhere Background: Youth violence is a significant public health issue. Homicide is the second leading cause of death for young people ages 10 to 24, and in 2007 more than 668,000 youths were treated in emergency departments for violence-relate......
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 's (CDC) Division of Violence Prevention (DVP) in the National Center for Injury Prevention and Control is committed to promoting a public health approach for addressing suicide proactively through suicide prevention (in particular, primary prevention, or...
to cartels Mexico's new approach to tackling cartel violence: it's suing. Young dancers take on lead roles in Christmas classic "The Nutcracker" Malaysia agrees to launch new search for missing MH370 plane In: Obesity Weight Loss Alexander Tin Alexander Tin is a digital reporter for ...
1983CDC 成立了一个暴力流行病学部门(Violence Epidemiology Branch),应用公共卫生预防策略来解决虐待儿童、杀人和自杀问题。 1986吸烟与健康办公室(Office of Smoking and Health)并入CDC。 1987CDC 报告了Reye 综合征与阿司匹林之间存在强关联,指出对儿童减少阿司匹林治疗可以预防90%的病例发生。国家卫生统计中心(National...
Article: CDC WONDER: a comprehensive on-line public health information system of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Many routine toxicology tests still do not test for xylazine, a finding the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration described as "alarming"earlier this year. A separate CDC arm that analyzes death certificate data, the National Center for Health Statistics, alsoplans to soon release...