West Nile virus and Lyme disease were reported to the National Notifiable Disease Surveillance System (NNDSS) by state health departments from 2004 through 2016, although the actual total is thought to be much higher.
64.Notice to Readers: Changes to the National Notifiable Infectious Disease List and Data Presentation --- January 2010 机译:读者注意事项:国家法定传染病清单和数据显示的变更--- 2010年1月 期刊名称:《Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report: CDC Surveillance Summaries》 | 2010年第1期 65.Announcement...
The number of illnesses caused by mosquito, tick, and flea bites have tripled in the United States over the last 13 years, according to new data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. According to the report, more than 640,000 cases were reported across the country from...
As an arboviral disease, Zika virus is a nationally notifiable condition. Healthcare providers are encouraged to report suspected cases to their state or local health departments to facilitate diagnosis and mitigate the risk for local transmission. State or local health departments are encouraged to ...
OIE published standard protocols in the OIE Aquatic Manual (OIE, 2014) for detection and identification of pathogens on the OIE list of notifiable aquatic animal diseases in 2015 included eight fish viral diseases including bellows except the .