Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report - CDC Caribbean Medical JournalHill, Michaela
CDC近日发布了《发病率和死亡率报告》(Morbidity and Mortality Report),截至4月30日,美国约有1.01亿人已完全接种疫苗,向CDC报告的突破性病例有10,262(约0.01%)起,这种接种后感染被医学称为突破性病例。 该报告中的数据来自46个州和地区。 在这些 "突破性病例 "中,有995人后来住院治疗(占感染人数中10%),160...
Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report 60 Years of Public Health Science at CDC tment of health and human serThacker, Stephen BSteinberg, Karen KNicholson, JKing, Lonnie J
A new CDC Mortality and Morbidity Weekly Report (MMWR) shows that the COVID19–associated death rate among adults who are American Indian or Alaska Native was almost 2 times that among non-Hispanic White adults. As of D...
CDC's Morbidity and Mortality Weekly makes no claim to the content supplied through this journal account. Articles are retrieved via a public feed supplied by the site for this purpose. Subscribe Recent Entries Profile Archive CDC's Morbidity and Mortality Weekly ReportNo...
前言:在美国CDC于去年5月6日出版的《发病率和死亡率周报(Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report,MMWR)》上,正式发表了一份官方文件:《使用改进的暴露前预防接种方案预防人类狂犬病:美国免疫实践咨询委员会的建议(2022年)(Use of a Modified...
The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), in collaborationwith various partners, released two papers today in Morbidity & MortalityWeekly Report (MMWR) highlighting recent changes in U.S. e-cigarette use andsales. About 3.6 million U.S. youth reported current (in the past ...
2018年3月30日,美国国家疾控中心CDC在其主办的期刊《发病率和死亡率周报》(Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report)上发表了美国成年人患糖尿病的最新数据,迄今尚有2300多万美国人正在与这一血糖疾病进行着斗争。 根据美国疾病控制和预防中心的报告,其中绝大多数——2100万病例——是由2型糖尿病引起的,这通常与超重...
The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), in collaborationwith various partners, released two papers today in Morbidity & MortalityWeekly Report (MMWR) highlighting recent changes in U.S. e-cigarette use andsales. About 3.6 million U.S. youth reported current (in the past ...
Vaccine effectiveness was 34.5% against hospitalization, according to interim estimates from a newarticlepublished by the CDC's Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, among high-risk groups like young children, people with preexisting conditions and older adults. That means, vaccinated people in thos...