While the critics of modern obstetrics have been dithering about C-sections and intervention rates, American women have been dying in and around childbirth of potentially preventable causes that have nothing to do with either. The latest CDC report on maternal mortality confi...
presentsprovisionaldataonbirths,birthdeclinedbyanaverageof2%per rates,cesareandelivery,andpretermBirthandfertilityratesfortheyearfrom2015to2020,including birthratesfortheUnitedStatesinUnitedStatesandbymaternalraceandadeclineof4%from2019to2020, 2023.Informationonprenatalcare,lowHispanicoriginfor2023arebasedonrose1%fr...
(HealthDay)—Infants of women who are normal weight prepregnancy have the lowest total infant, neonatal, and postneonatal mortality rates, with increased rates seen for infants of women who are underweight or who have obesity prepregnancy, according to t
Ad Paula M. Williams, Dr.P.H., from the CDC in Atlanta, and colleagues obtained TB case counts from the National TB Surveillance System. Rates were calculated overall and by jurisdiction, birth origin, race and ethnicity, and age group. The researchers found that TB case counts and rates ...
How does effectiveness vary depending on: (1) the specific type or cause of pain (eg, neuropathic, musculoskeletal [including low back pain], fibromyalgia, sickle cell disease, inflammatory pain, and headache disorders); (2) patient demographics (eg, age, race, ethnicity, gender); and (3) ...
… we have a lot we need to do to improve maternal mortality in the united states." there were 3,410 pregnancy-related deaths from 2011 to 2015, the new report shows , occurring at a rate of 17.2 deaths per 100,000 live births. death rates varied significantly by race and ethnicity...
期刊名称:《Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report: CDC Surveillance Summaries》 | 2010年第7期 73.QuickStats: Percentage of Persons with Current Asthma* Who Reported Receiving an Asthma Management Plan? from a Health Professional, by Race/Ethnicity and Age Group --- National Health Interview Survey...
deaths and death rates according to demographic and medical characteristics such as age, sex, race, Hispanic origin, marital status, educational attainment, injury at work, State of residence, and cause of death. Trends and patterns in general mortality, life expectancy, and infant and ...
Birthandfertilityratesforthe UnitedStatesandbymaternalraceandHispanicoriginfor2023arebasedonpopulationprojectionsderivedfrom theblendedbasepopulationestimatesproducedbytheU.S.CensusBureau,insteadoftheApril1,2020,decennialpopulationcount,whichisablendof2020censusdata,2020DemographicAnalysisestimates,andVintage2020estimatesas...