There are tests that look for HIV's genetic material or proteins directly; these may also be used to find out if someone has been infected with HIV. It can take some time for the immune system to produce enough antibodies for the antibody test to detect, and this “window period” ...
另外,美国CDC给了楼主一个相关网站网址,其中是关于窗口期和检测的记述的,如果英语水平不错的朋友,可以直接点击链接查询更详细的资料,很抱歉,之前那个帖子的时候,楼主没有发现CDC官网中的这一篇。 3楼2018-03-07 20:11 收起回复 灵椿...
HIV-1检测窗口期..HIV检测窗口期(window periodfor HIV testing):简称HIV窗口期,是指自HIV感染至运用某种检测方法或试剂在血液中可以检测出HIV相关标志物(p24抗原或抗体)之前的一段
美国CDC关于HIV..这张图来自于US CDC官网的Laboratory Testing for the Diagnosis of HIV Infectiong Updated Version (HIV的实验室诊断手册(更
Knowledge of HIV status is the first step for timely and essential prevention and treatment services. Because YMSM are disproportionately affected by HIV, the number of CDC-funded HIV testing events, overall and newly diagnosed HIV positivity, and linkage to HIV medical care among YMSM in non-...
Provision of HIV Counseling and Testing Services at Five Community-Based Organizations Among Young Men of Color Who Have Sex with Men In the context of monitoring and improving CDC-funded HIV prevention programs, we describe HIV tests and infections, provision of results, previous HIV tes... R ...
Despite ongoing evidence that one quarter of HIV-infected people in the United States are unaware of their infection, widespread implementation of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's 1993 recommendations regarding routine inpatient HIV testing has not occurred. This study compares two HIV ...
In 2020, there was a 17% decrease in new HIV diagnoses and significant reductions in HIV testing in health care and non-health care settings, impeding the Ending the HIV Epidemic initiative to increase testing and reduce infections. The COVID-19 pandemic disrupted HIV testing efforts in...
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) receives, analyzes, and disseminates data on CDC-funded HIV testing, linkage to HIV medical care, and HIV prevention services. Test-level data are reported by CDC grantees through the National HIV Prevention Program Monitoring and Evaluation (...