手卫生(hand hygiene)为医务人员在从事职业活动过程中的洗手、卫生手消毒和外科手消毒的总称。手卫生是目前公认的预防控制医院感染最简单、有效、方便和经济的措施之一。手卫生作为标准预防的关键措施之一,对预防和控制医院感染,控制耐药菌传播及医院感染暴发发挥了重要的作用。通过手卫生,可...
世界手卫生日 World Hand Hygiene Day 2023年5月5日是世界卫生组织(WHO)倡导的第15个“世界手卫生日”,今年的主题是:共同加快行动,拯救生命-清洁您的双手!(Accelerate action together. SAVE LIVES–Clean Your Hands. ) 为强化医院全员感控意识,充...
Reports on a call for papers by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to validate the effectiveness of a hand hygiene program in health care facilities. Deadline; Areas; Funding; Eligibility; Contact number.EBSCO_bspHealth Grants & Contracts Weekly...
Learn how to wash your hands the right way to stop spreading germs, according to health professionals and doctors. Plus, a list of situations where you should be washing your hands immediately.
Use this handout to explain the basics of why infection prevention and control and antimicrobial stewardship are essential and how the 2 fields must have a unified approach to patient and staff safety Celebrate Clean Hospitals Day 2024: Elevating Health Care Environmental Hygiene to Safeguard Pa...
and acknowledges that it may be impractical to stay away from a sick person: "In those situations, use as many prevention strategies as you can, such as practicing hand hygiene, consistently and correctly wearing a high-quality mask, improving ventilation, and keeping your distance, when possible...
As with any virus, practicing good hand-washing hygiene is important to prevent illness, and avoid sharing food or drinks in your household—and especially if you’re pregnant. You may want to filter your indoor air by using household air filters, or you could consider using a mask in crowd...
Those strategies could be things like the correct use of masks, social distancing, hand hygiene, cleaning and disinfection and contact tracing in collaboration with local health departments. READ: Parents and Teachers Favor Slow Return to In-Person Learning "These key mitigation...
(HealthDay)—Gel hand sanitizer dispensers are ubiquitous now in American homes and schools, but a new government report suggests a rise in kids getting sick after ingesting the products.
(HealthDay)—The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has introduced a new campaign, "Clean Hands Count," to encourage health care professionals, patients, and patients' families to keep their hands clean in order to prevent health care-associ