“Without school-based testing, no one can enforce a five-day COVID policy,” he said via text message. Ridley School District in the Philadelphia suburbs was already using a policy similar to the new CDC guidelines, said Superintendent Lee Ann Wentzel. Stud...
As recently as February, a positiverapid testwould’ve meant five days of isolation, away from work,school, and/or other obligations that involve going out in public. Not anymore. In March, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) updated its COVID isolation guidelines based on ...
Ridley School District in the Philadelphia suburbs was already using a policy similar to the new CDC guidelines, said Superintendent Lee Ann Wentzel. Students who test positive for COVID must be fever-free without medication for at least 24 hours before returning to school. When they come back,...
Last night, the Guangzhou CDC cautioned that people coming or returning to Guangzhou from other provinces must provide a negative COVID test report within 48 hours, immediately report to their community, hotel, or employer,...
Former Surgeon General Jerome Adams criticized the CDC for reducing the isolation period for people who test positive for COVID-19. CBS News' Debra Alfarone has more on the new guidance, then Johns Hopkins virologist Andrew Pekosz joins CBSN to explain how the changes could impact how we nav...
Dr. Anthony Fauci said he plans on clarifying CDC guidelines for isolation and testing after a positive COVID test. The move comes after the federal agency shortened the recommended quarantine time from 10 days to five for asymptomatic patients, triggering some pushback. Health officials said they...
Apache-2.0 license CDC COVID-19 Health Bot CDC is retiring the Coronavirus Self-Checker webpage on October 7, 2022. Refer to theCOVID-19 symptoms pagefor information on when to seek COVID-19 testing and medical care. Overview This project collects automated screening protocols and self-checker...
Are COVID-19 tests still recommended? Similar to influenza, where antiviral treatments are available for those who test positive and are more likely to face severe disease, the CDC's new guidance says everyone who is athigher riskshould seek outtestingwhen they develop symptoms. ...
New, proposed guidance being weighed by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends that Americans who test positive for COVID-19 no longer need to routinely stay home for five days. This is the first time the agency has even considered loosening its COVID isolation guideli...
COVID-19 Laboratory Testing/CDC GuidelinesDr. R.B. McFeeDisease-a-Month