For the first time, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have released a guidance on addressing food allergies in schools, the presence of which has steadily increased in children over the last decade.The Voluntary Guidelines for Managing Food Allergies In Schools and Early Care ...
2Infusion Nurses Society, Norwood, Massachusetts 3Greenich Hospital, Greenwich, Connecticut 4University of Washington, Seattle, Washington 5Wheaton Franciscan Healthcare-St. Joseph, Milwaukee, Wisconsin 6 University of Massachusetts Medical School, Worcester, Massachusetts 7Johns Hopkins University School of...
The guidelines put together by the CDC detail evidence-based guidelines for school reopening, and they make a lot of sense. Universal masking and frequent handwashing will decrease transmission; symptom screening will help keep sick kids at home; and physical distancing, use of barriers, and incre...
"HICPAC's draft is permissive and weak and seeks not just to maintain existing practice—which has been shown to be inadequately protective—but even rolls back the use of some important measures, such as airborneinfectionisolation rooms,"Zenei Triunfo-Cortez, president of National Nurses United, ...
The White House has faced pushback against rigorous social distancing guidelines from states with lesser rates of infection. For the hardest-hit areas, where social distancing has already been in place for some time, the White House coronavirus task force thought there would be ...
(or has upcoming appearances) about HPV vaccination at the Public Health Nurse Conference; the Indiana Immunization Coalition conference; the Indiana Association of School Nurses Conference; and, the HPV Summit: A Road to an HPV Cancer Free Generation. Dr. Bosslet was also ...
NursesSociety,Norwood,Massachusetts 3GreenichHospital,Greenwich,Connecticut 4UniversityofWashington,Seattle,Washington 5WheatonFranciscanHealthcare-St.Joseph,Milwaukee,Wisconsin 6UniversityofMassachusettsMedicalSchool,Worcester,Massachusetts 7JohnsHopkinsUniversitySchoolofMedicine,Baltimore,Maryland 8WarrenAlpertMedicalSchool...
“If you are healthy,you only need to wear a mask if you are taking care of a person with COVID-19,” the WHO guidelines read. And at first, the CDC agreed. After months of maintaining that healthy people didn’t need to wear masks in public to prevent the coronavirus, the country...
Associationof periOperativeRegisteredNurses,Denver,Colorado;StephenF.Jencks,M.D.,M.P.H.,CenterforMedicareand MedicaidServices,Baltimore,Marynalnd;ChiuS.Lin,Ph.D.,FoodandDrugAdministration,Rockville, Maryland;JamesP.Steinberg,SocietyforHealthcareEpidemiologyofAmerica,Inc.,CrawfordLongHospital, Atlanta,Georgia...
"To create these modules, we used an innovative approach that applied the principles of human factors engineering to CDC's guidelines for emergency department staff," says Ayse Gurses, a human factors engineer and associate professor at the Armstrong Institute. "This allowed us to identify potential...