The new guidelines, updated earlier this week, ask people to get tested if they have symptoms of COVID-19, or have had close contact (within 6 feet of an infected person for at least 15 minutes) with someone with confirmed COVID-19, or have been asked or referred to get testing by t...
美国疾控中心CDC于8月11日发布更新的防疫指南,放宽新冠防疫措施,与感染者密切接触者,不再需要自我隔离! 此外,取消必须保持社交距离等限制性防疫措施,而专注于减少Covid-19感染导致的严重疾病。 CDC官员表示,最新政策变化的原因是95%的16岁及以上美国人已经获得了某种程度的免疫,要么通过接种疫苗,要么通过被感染。 疾...
Previously, the CDC recommended that "all close contactsof persons with SARS-CoV-2 [coronavirus] infection" be tested, due to "the potential for asymptomatic and pre-symptomatic transmission." Revisions made on August 24, however, suggest that only certain groups needed to be tested after exposur...
传统思维,一般轻症患者无需过度担心,整个COVID-19大流行期间,大多数人都认为那些“轻症患者”以及无需入住ICU或使用呼吸机的患者能够幸免于严重的健康不良后果,甚至于有些国家认为其COVID-19确诊病例中有一半是轻症患者是一个“好事”。 35%的轻症患者2-3周后,仍受病毒症状困扰 ...
“Without school-based testing, no one can enforce a five-day COVID policy,” he said via text message. Ridley School District in the Philadelphia suburbs was already using a policy similar to the new CDC guidelines, said Superintendent Lee Ann Wentzel. Stu...
In-- in speaking, I've said before, when John Kennedy said, "don't ask what your country can do. Ask for what you can do for your country." Kind of try to paraphrase that. For your country right now and for the war that we're in against COVID, I'm asking you to do four ...
we’re going to discuss the latest CDC guidelines and how they relate to your school, office building, factory, or church. TheseCOVID-19 cleaningguidelines do not apply to medical facilities or long-term care locations, which have their own, more complicated guideline...
随着学校恢复和凉爽的天气将人们带入室内,美国正在为COVID-19活动的另一次可能激增做好准备,美国疾病控制和预防中心(CDC)的疫苗顾问组今天推荐了两种更新的COVID-19加强针疫苗,主要针对流行的奥密克戎亚变体BA.4 / BA.5。 01 使用新的加强针疫苗向...