the State now follows the CDC’s guidance on isolation and precautions for individuals with COVID-19. Under the CDC’s previous isolation guidelines, New York employees testing positive for COVID-19 were therefore automatically entitled to sick ...
2月14日,美国疾病控制与预防中心(以下简称CDC)发布了《有关COVID-19病毒感染被调查患者临床标本的收集、处理和测试的暂定准则》。 该准则对临床实验室的要求和流程 美国CDC这个准则里边,提到了两个实验室的概念,一个是叫临床实验室,一个叫公共卫生实...
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention guidelines for COVID-19 still call for a period of isolation for those dealing with the virus. This comes after a summer COVID wave appears to have grown in some parts of the country. CBS News medical contributor Dr. Céline Gounder has more ...
But the majority of big-city districts around the country still have asked parents to isolate children for at least five days before returning to school. Some, including Boston and Atlanta, have required students to mask for another five days and report positive COVID-19 test results to the ...
对于感染了COVID-19的女性所生的新生儿,COVID-19对新生儿的风险我们仍未了解透彻,但以下是已知的: ● 虽然绝对风险很低,但与没有怀孕的人相比,孕期女性感染COVID-19后的症状可能更重。此外,在孕期感染COVID-19,患并发症的风险会增加,这些并发症可能会影响妊娠和胎儿的发育。
The CDC no longer advises a five-day isolation period when you test positive for COVID, but recommends taking other precautions once your symptoms subside.
Some, including Boston and Atlanta, have required students to mask for another five days and report positive COVID-19 test results to the school. Some school leaders suggest the CDC's previous five-day isolation requirement was already only loosely followed. Of...
Find links to guidance and information on all topics related to COVID-19, including the COVID-19 vac
Find links to guidance and information on all topics related to COVID-19, including the COVID-19 vaccine.