2月14日,美国疾病控制与预防中心(以下简称CDC)发布了《有关COVID-19病毒感染被调查患者临床标本的收集、处理和测试的暂定准则》。 该准则对临床实验室的要求和流程 美国CDC这个准则里边,提到了两个实验室的概念,一个是叫临床实验室,一个叫公共卫生实...
COVID-19 Laboratory Testing/CDC GuidelinesDr. R.B. McFeeDisease-a-Month
In the event that a patient is classified a PUI for COVID-19, infection-control personnel at the healthcare facility should immediately be notified. Upon identification of a PUI, state health departments should immediately complete aPUI and Case Report formand can contact CDC’s Emergency Operation...
The new guidelines reflect “the progress we have made in protecting against severe illness from COVID-19,”CDC Director Dr. Mandy Cohensaid in aMarch news release. “However, we still must use the commonsense solutions we know work to protect ourselves and others from serious illness from res...
In March 2020, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) published interim guidelines regarding the collection, handling, and testing of clinical specimens for the diagnosis of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19).[1] Collection and evaluation of an upper respiratory nasopharyngeal ...
美CDC表示,如果你来自单人家庭且是严重COVID-19风险较低的家庭,那么可以不需要保持距离或佩戴口罩。但仍应避免中、大规模的聚集。这在一定程度上是因为,尽管COVID-19对接种疫苗的人的影响可能较低,但他们仍可能会感染该疾病并将其传染给他人。资料图 美CDC表示,对于祖父母和他们的孙辈来说也有更多的灵活性。
Find links to guidance and information on all topics related to COVID-19, including the COVID-19 vac
美国CDC最新检测指南要求:COVID-19确诊病例密切接触者无症状时不必进行检测 8月24日,美国CDC官方网站发布了对其SARS-CoV-2检测指南的重大更新。最大的变化涉及已知接触过COVID-19确诊病例的无症状个体。在之前版本的检测指南中,CDC建议对近期已知或怀疑接触过SARS-CoV-2的无症状个体进行检测,以控制传播。在当前...
Find links to guidance and information on all topics related to COVID-19, including the COVID-19 vaccine.
BOSTON (AP) — Four years after the COVID-19 pandemic closed schools and upended child care, the CDC says parents can start treating the virus like other respiratory illnesses.