重磅消息来了! 在实施为期18个月的禁令后,美国将于11月初重新开放,允许“完全接种新冠疫苗”(fully vaccinated)的外国人入境。 而很多华人在国内接种的科兴、国药疫苗,也在被认可清单内。 也就是说,11月过后,只要在国内打完2针疫苗...
重磅消息来了! 在实施为期18个月的禁令后,美国将于11月初重新开放,允许“完全接种新冠疫苗”(fully vaccinated)的外国人入境。 而很多华人在国内接种的科兴、国药疫苗,也是在被认可清单内。 也就是说,11月过后,只要在国内打完2针疫苗的人,也可以前往美国了! 图片 美国入境认这7种疫苗 图片 美国在9月20日宣布...
重磅消息来了! 在实施为期18个月的禁令后,美国将于11月初重新开放,允许“完全接种新冠疫苗”(fully vaccinated)的外国人入境。 而很多华人在国内接种的科兴、国药疫苗,也是在被认可清单内。 也就是说,11月过后,只要在国内打完2针疫苗的人,也可以前往美国了! 美国入境认这7种疫苗 美国在9月20日宣布将在11月...
CDC在最新指南中强调,对于完全接种疫苗的人来说,感染新冠病毒的风险极小,因此可以恢复正常而无需戴口罩或者保持社交安全距离,除非有联邦、州、地方或者地区的法律法规要求。 “完全接种”的人(fully vaccinated people),即接受辉瑞或Moderna的第二剂疫苗满两周,或接受强生公司的单剂疫苗满两周。 未接种疫苗的人仍应...
9月20日,拜登政府宣布,从11月初开始,只要完全接种FDA或世界卫生组织(WHO)授权或认可的疫苗(fully vaccinated)且核酸检测阴性的旅客,可以免除14天中转,直接入境美国。 只不过,美国政府具体认可哪些疫苗,却没有立刻公布。 而在今天一早,令人激动的好消息传来了—— ...
The CDC also advised vaccinated people to get tested if they develop symptoms that could be related to COVID-19. Officials say a person is considered fully vaccinated two weeks after receiving the last required dose of vaccine. About 30 million Americans — or only about 9% ...
People who are fully vaccinated against COVID-19 are no longer required to wear masks or physically distance, regardless of location or size of the gathering,the CDC announced on May 13. “Anyone who is fully vaccinated can participate in indoor and outdoor activities, large or small,...
The CDC also advised vaccinated people to get tested if they develop symptoms that could be related to COVID-19. Officials say a person is considered fully vaccinated two weeks after receiving the last required dose of vaccine. About 30 million Americans — or only about 9% of the...
" CDC Director Dr. Rochelle Walensky said Thursday at a White House COVID-19 briefing. "Anyone who is fully vaccinated, can participate in indoor and outdoor activities, large or small, without wearing a mask or physical distancing. If you are fully vaccinated, you can start doing the ...
What to do if you lose your COVID-19 vaccine card ATLANTA-The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said on Thursday that out of the 75 million people in the United States who have been fully vaccinated, the agency has identified a comparatively small group of approx...