Too many people imagined the fight against COVID-19 as a land war to be waged with sudsy hand-to-hand combat against grimy surfaces. Meanwhile, the science suggested we should be focused on an aerial strategy. ... If somebody with COVID-19 sneezes three times onto a little spot on a ...
The number of countries battling disruptive outbreaks of measles surged to 37 last year, a report published by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention confirmed Thursday, as officials warn that the global fight against the disease has struggled to recover in the wake of the COVID-19 pande...
Northwell Health automates efforts to fight flu epidemic Feb 07 183 minread Better Outcomes PCORI funds 2 projects on reducing opioid prescribing Aug 17 172 minread Media HDM Special Report: Protecting market share – can Oracle instill confidence; keep Cerner customers?
The next round of heavily-pushed toxic injections will probably be the Fall 2023 Covid-flu-RSV formulation, which has been PREP-Act supported (for manufacturer and batterer impunity from criminal prosecution for medical battery and homicide) by the most-recent Public Health Emergency declaration ...
Long COVID remains an uphill battle for many Americans: "Every day, getting up is a fight" Hospitals in a number of cities around the country have also created long COVID or post-COVID care centers that take a multidisciplinary approach to helping patients with these complex conditions. Preve...
“1 excess death per M doses” criteria for a safe vaccine. The flu vaccines are clearly unsafe and should be immediately pulled from the market. Flu vaccines alsohave no hospitalization benefit whatsoever as was pointed out in a JAMA paper published in April 2023. The flu shots simply kill...
(had tick tested). The walk in clinic gave my husband a couple days of antibiotic. One week later he got horrible knee pain and could barely walk. My husbands Lyme test was negative but luckily I had the tick tested by the DEP and found it was positive. I had to fight with my ...
CDC says flu virus resistant to two drugs commonly used to fight it
Covid has dropped from the third leading cause of death in the US in 2020 and 2021 to the 10th leading cause of death in preliminary data from 2023, the CDC noted. That’s still a far higher toll than the nation typically sees from the flu. In the 2022-23 season, which the CDC ...
This year’s RSV season may come at the typical time, experts predict, and new tools may help the fight Chair of the committee Dr. Grace Lee, a professor of pediatrics at Stanford University, called the vaccine “an excellent option to protect infants from hospitalization,” but she also ...