Jan 22, 2024 CDC warns travelers to Mexico of exposure to Rocky Mountain spotted fever Symptoms of Rocky Mountain spotted fever include fever, headache, and rash, the CDC said. Dec 8, 2023 Here's what to know about the deadly cantaloupe salmonella outbreak ...
同时,多西环素对淋病奈瑟菌具一定抗菌活性。 多西环素暴露后预防(Doxycycline Post-Exposure Prophaxis,Doxy PEP),是一种针对细菌性性传播感染(STI)的预防措施。Doxy PEP主要在男男性行为者(MSM)中使用。这种预防措施通过在性行为后立即服用多西环素来降低细菌性STI的传播风险,特别是梅毒、衣原体或淋病。 02 Doxy ...
[3] Workowski KA, Bachmann LH, Chan PA, et al. Sexually Transmitted Infections Treatment Guidelines, 2021. MMWR Recomm Rep. 2021;70(4):1-187. Published 2021 Jul 23. doi:10.15585/mmwr.rr7004a1 [4] Molina JM, Charreau I, Chidiac C, et al. Post-exposure prophylaxis with doxycycline to...
The CDC says a person in Louisiana has the first severe bird flu case in the U.S. with officials saying the patient had exposure to sick and dead birds in backyard flocks. CBS News investigative reporter Kati Weis has more. Dec 19, 2024 ...
目前还没有预防细菌性性传播感染(STI)(特别是梅毒、衣原体和淋病)的疫苗,且化学预防的选择也很少。多西环素是一种广谱四环素类抗菌药物,其吸收和耐受性良好。近期,美国疾病控制与预防中心(CDC)发布了多西环素用于细菌性性传播感染的暴露后预防(PEP)指南,建议卫生保健人员针对多西环素用于 PEP 的危害和获益向某些患者...
Update:For susceptible exposed persons for whom vaccine is contraindicated, provide varicella zoster immune globulin as soon as possible after exposure and within 10 days. See Updated Recommendations for Use of VariZIG — United States, 2013....
The CDC's guidance includes dosing specifications for severely ill hospitalized patients and infants, and suggests considering a 10-day treatment for those with ongoing exposure to infected individuals.Anderer, SamanthaJAMA: Journal of the American Medical Association...
The decision to administer COVID-19 testing should be based on clinical judgment, along with the presence of compatible signs and symptoms. The CDC now recommends that COVID-19 be considered a possibility in patients with severe respiratory illness regardless of travel history or exposure to indivi...
All adults, including pregnant women, who are at risk for infection because of sexual, percutaneous or mucosal exposure should be vaccinated, the guidelines recommend. In addition, health care and public safety workers at risk for blood exposure; adults with chronic liver disease, end-stage renal...