The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention updated its COVID‐19 guidelines to align with guidance for other respiratory illnesses (e.g., RSV and the flu) ( ). The update comes as the United States faces fewer hospitalizations and deaths related to COVID‐19....
美国疾控中心(CDC)最新的COVIDView报告发布有关COVID-19样疾病、住院率和死亡病例的新数据。 重要更新:在全国范围内,流感样疾病(ILI)和COVID-19样疾病(CLI)的活动水平仍低于3月和4月的峰值,但在大多数地区还在上升。SARS-CoV-2(引起COVID-19的病毒)检...
采访时,马丁博士将COVID疫苗称为“生物武器”。 马丁说:“这不是冠状病毒疫苗。这是生物武器。COVID疫苗使人体产生毒素,使接种疫苗者慢性中毒”。“事实是,COVID疫苗是微型生物武器。疫苗注射不是一项公共卫生措施,而是生物恐怖主义行为。事实非常明显。这是有预谋的。这是一场国内和国际的恐怖主义运动。” 马丁指出...
美国疾控中心(CDC)最近发布了一项新指南,将COVID-19与流感等其他呼吸道病毒合并在一起,不再单独制定针对COVID-19的健康规则。根据新指南,感染者不再需要至少接受5天的隔离期,而是建议基于症状进行隔离,直到发烧消退或整体症状好转至少24小时。这一变化引发了公众和专家的广泛关注和讨论。 #美国疫情 #CDC #古哥...
此外,取消必须保持社交距离等限制性防疫措施,而专注于减少Covid-19感染导致的严重疾病。 CDC官员表示,最新政策变化的原因是95%的16岁及以上美国人已经获得了某种程度的免疫,要么通过接种疫苗,要么通过被感染。 疾病预防控制中心的现场流行病学和预防处(Field Epidemiology and Prevention Branch)处长格雷塔·马塞蒂(Gret...
注意这是美国CDC官方的统计分析。为避免被人说带节奏,请直接阅读原文:Post–COVID Conditions Among Adult COVID-19 Survivors Aged 18–64 and ≥65 Years — United States, March 2020–November 2021 网页链接 COVID-19 survivors have twice the risk for developing pulmonary embolism or respiratory condition...
Another long term goal is to add information specific to other respiratory illness culprits beyond COVID-19, influenza and RSV. "We want to be able to talk about maybe some of the other things that are not the big three as well, likemycoplasmaand some of those other...
The CDC is expanding Covid vaccination guidelines to everyone 65 and older The Trump administration on Tuesday issued new guidelines that expand coronavirus vaccine eligibility to everyone age 65 and older as well as to those with comorbid conditions, like diabetes. ...
With the full reopening of Maryland schools and businesses, it’s more important than ever to stay up to date on theCenters for Disease Control (CDC) guidelinesas they pertain to preventing the spread of COVID-19 in your facility. As a commercial cleaning company,...