According to the CDC, theguidelines for COVID-19are now in line with those of influenza, RSV and other respiratory illnesses, advising those feeling sick to stay home and return to work or school after being fever-free for 24 hours. “Today’s announcement reflects the progress we have made...
来源:NBC News: [CDC Recommends Shorter Isolation Time for Covid] 12.28难度:两星半, 视频播放量 7225、弹幕量 19、点赞数 528、投硬币枚数 420、收藏人数 112、转发人数 22, 视频作者 泰罗英语小KS, 作者简介 都给爷听懂了再出去!,相关视频:(美)【外语新闻,逐句
"Today's announcement reflects the progress we have made in protecting against severe illness from COVID-19," CDC Director Dr. Mandy Cohen said in a statement. "However, we still must use the commonsense solutions we know work to protect ourselves and others from serious illne...
New York State continues to maintain aCOVID-19 sick leave law, which requires employers to provide at least 5 or 14 calendar days (depending on employer size) of (in most cases paid) sick leave for isolation or quarantine related to COVID-19, separate and ...
People who test positive for COVIDno longer need to isolate for five days, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said Friday. TheCDC’s new guidancenow matches public health advice for flu and other respiratory illnesses: Stay home when you’re sick, but return to school or work on...
此外,指南放宽了暴露于COVID后未接种疫苗的个人的五天隔离期。CDC说,相反,在暴露后,未接种疫苗的人应该放弃隔离,但戴上口罩10天,并在5天后进行测试。 公共卫生专家告诉美国广播公司新闻,疾病预防控制中心政策的变化将使雇主更容易让工人回到办公室,将公共卫生责任转移到个人工人身上,而不是企业,同时允许所有工人在CO...
声音简介 美国疾控中心(CDC)最近发布了一项新指南,将COVID-19与流感等其他呼吸道病毒合并在一起,不再单独制定针对COVID-19的健康规则。根据新指南,感染者不再需要至少接受5天的隔离期,而是建议基于症状进行隔离,直到发烧消退或整体症状好转至少24小时。这一变化引发了公众和专家的广泛关注和讨论。
Last night, the Guangzhou CDC cautioned that people coming or returning to Guangzhou from other provinces must provide a negative COVID test report within 48 hours, immediately report to their community, hotel, or employer,...