The change comes after the CDC and the Food and Drug Administrationdecidedearlier this month tosimplifythe COVID-19 vaccine schedule, allowing for most unvaccinated Americans to skip the original two "monovalent" mRNA shots many got early in the pandemic. Instead, virtually all adults are able to...
Those who have been within 6 feet of someone with COVID for a cumulative total of at least 15 minutes over a 24-hour period should stay home for 14 days after their last contact with that person and watch for symptoms. If possible, those quarantining should also stay away fro...
After arrival, CDCall travelers, including U.S. citizens, legal permanent residents, nonimmigrant foreign nationals, and any individuals who are fully vaccinated but are not up to date on vaccinations (i.e., not boosted) should: Some states have laws and ethical rules regarding solicitation and ...
00:0002:56 Last night, the Guangzhou CDC cautioned that people coming or returning to Guangzhou from other provinces must provide a negative COVID test report within 48 hours, immediately report to their community, hotel,...
防止导致COVID-19的病毒--包括变种进一步传入到美国并传播; 保护机组人员、乘客、机场、工作人员和社区的健康和安全; 保护美国境内医院、医疗保健和紧急响应资源。 新规生效之时,新型COVID-19菌株已经开始在美国几十个州传播。尤其令人担忧的是一种起源于英国的突变,据说它的传染性比原始病毒高出56%。虽然早期的报告...
大家尽量避免前往为“4 级”旅行地点“完全接种疫苗的旅行者不太可能感染和传播 Covid-19。但是,国际旅行会带来额外的风险,即使是完全接种疫苗的旅行者,感染和传播 Covid-19 变体的风险也可能增加。” 再此之前,由于病毒激增导致欧洲缩减旅游政策,威胁到了整体经济和旅游业。 法国在最新一波疫情中受到的打击尤其...
CDC发布旅行指南,Covid-19高风险地区分级提示 美国疾病控制与预防中心CDC发布旅行指南,依照风险等级在12月6号,将法国及其四个欧洲邻国以及另外两个地方一个在中东,另一个在东非的国家升级到最其认为最高的风等级第 4 级。 根据联合国世界旅游组织 2019 年的数据,法国是在病毒爆发之前前...
As COVID-19 cases continue to rise in the U.S., the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention issued new travel guidance Monday, adding several countries to the "Do Not Travel" list. The advisories warn against travel by unvaccinated travelers unless their trips are necessary. The government...
前言:美国CDC于2020年3月15日发布了关于新冠肺炎(COVID-19)疫情下搭乘邮轮(含江河游船)全球旅行的信息及指南,并于3月17日进行了更新,补充了旅行前、旅途中发病时的舱室隔离和旅行结束后14天隔离建议。 一、概要 由于在船上会增加新型冠状病毒传播的风险,CDC建议所有人推迟搭乘邮轮(含江河游船)全球旅行,尤其是老年...
大家尽量避免前往为“4 级”旅行地点“完全接种疫苗的旅行者不太可能感染和传播 Covid-19。但是,国际旅行会带来额外的风险,即使是完全接种疫苗的旅行者,感染和传播 Covid-19 变体的风险也可能增加。” 再此之前,由于病毒激增导致欧洲缩减旅游政策,威胁到了整体经济和旅游业 法国在最新一波疫情中受到的打击尤其严重...