along with the presence of compatible signs and symptoms. The CDC now recommends that COVID-19 be considered a possibility in patients with severe respiratory illness regardless of travel history or exposure to individuals with confirmed infection. The most common symptoms in patients with confirmed C...
Closing in on the four years since much of the world seemed to shut down during the initialglobal onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has dropped the five-day isolation guideline for the virus. According to the CDC, theguidelines for COVID-19are ...
Those who have been within 6 feet of someone with COVID for a cumulative total of at least 15 minutes over a 24-hour period should stay home for 14 days after their last contact with that person and watch for symptoms. If possible, those quarantining should also stay away fro...
That does not mean you can't have any fun this Thanksgiving or celebrate in some way. "Moderate risk" activities this holiday include having a small outdoor dinner with your family and friends, visiting pumpkin patches where COVID-19 guidelines are in place and attending an outdoor sports e...
前言:美国CDC于2020年3月15日发布了关于新冠肺炎(COVID-19)疫情下搭乘邮轮(含江河游船)全球旅行的信息及指南,并于3月17日进行了更新,补充了旅行前、旅途中发病时的舱室隔离和旅行结束后14天隔离建议。 一、概要 由于在船上会增加新型冠状病毒传播的风险,CDC建议所有人推迟搭乘邮轮(含江河游船)全球旅行,尤其是老年...
符合条件的人群及时接种疫苗,以保护人们免受严重疾病、住院治疗和死亡的影响。如流感、COVID-19和呼吸道合道合胞病毒。 保持良好的卫生习惯,咳嗽和打喷嚏时遮住口鼻,经常洗手或消毒双手,清洁经常接触的物体表面。采取措施改善空气质量,如引入更多新鲜室外空气、净化室内空气,或选择在户外活动。当人们感染呼吸道病毒...
Four years after the COVID-19 pandemic closed schools and upended child care, the CDC says parents can start treating the virus like other respiratory illnesses.
The guidelines would prioritize health-care workers, essential personnel and vulnerable Americans, such as the elderly and those with underlying health conditions.
Under the new framework, counties are guided to determine the need for restrictions after assessing three factors -- new COVID-19-related hospital admissions over the previous week and the percentage of hospital beds occupied by COVID-19 patients, as well as new cases per 100,000 people over...
● 虽然绝对风险很低,但与没有怀孕的人相比,孕期女性感染COVID-19后的症状可能更重。此外,在孕期感染COVID-19,患并发症的风险会增加,这些并发症可能会影响妊娠和胎儿的发育。 ● 大多数孕期感染COVID-19的女性所生的新生儿,在出生时没有COVID-19。