Updated CDC guidelines, released in early April, say to regularly clean your home with soap or detergent. Disinfectants are likely unnecessary unless someone in your home is sick or has tested positive for COVID-19 in the last 24 hours. There have been few reports of COVID-19 transmission t...
With the full reopening of Maryland schools and businesses, it’s more important than ever to stay up to date on theCenters for Disease Control (CDC) guidelinesas they pertain to preventing the spread of COVID-19 in your facility. As a commercial cleaning company,...
2月14日,美国疾病控制与预防中心(以下简称CDC)发布了《有关COVID-19病毒感染被调查患者临床标本的收集、处理和测试的暂定准则》。 该准则对临床实验室的要求和流程 美国CDC这个准则里边,提到了两个实验室的概念,一个是叫临床实验室,一个叫公共卫生实...
You can also notify the operator that you believe you or someone you are caring for has COVID. What If You Test Positive Using an At-Home Test? Those who test positive using an at-home test are asked to follow the latest CDC guidelines and communicate the results to their ...
这与大流行时期的指南有所不同,那些指南更具体地说明了在接触 COVID-19 或检测结果呈阳性后应何时进行隔离以及隔离多长时间,而不是根据症状。但它遵循了相同的一般传染病原则:当你感到不适或出现可能是 COVID 的症状时,无论检测结果是否呈阳性,都要呆在家里,以避免将任何病毒传播给可能因此而病重的人。
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention updated its COVID‐19 guidelines to align with guidance for other respiratory illnesses (e.g., RSV and the flu) ( https://bit.ly/49uUKLL ). The update comes as the United States faces fewer hospitalizations and deaths related to COVID‐19....
聊聊美国CDC发布的《COVID-19校园防控指南》 目前美国对于疫苗的信任程度还是非常高的,明确了已完成全程疫苗接种的人群在户外无需佩戴口罩,但没有完成全程疫苗接种仍需佩戴口罩。 美国疾病预防控制中心(CDC)发布了《COVID-19校园防控指南》,内容如下: 1.学生能够从现场学习中受益,当务之急是在2021年秋季安全地恢复...
BOSTON (AP) — Four years after the COVID-19 pandemic closed schools and upended child care, the CDC says parents can start treating the virus like other respiratory illnesses.
The new guidelines reflect “the progress we have made in protecting against severe illness from COVID-19,” CDC Director Dr. Mandy Cohen said in a March news release.“However, we still must use the commonsense solutions we know work to protect ourselves and others from serious illness from...