CDC - Obesity - Facts - Adolescent and School Health
This is child abuse. And the elders are abused as well in the USA in the nursing homes. The USA is a sick society. Today is the anniversary of President Truman dropping the nuke on Hiroshima and killing 100,000 civilians or more. I wonder how God judged Harry S Truman? What kind of...
Medscape NeurologyAdult Obesity FactsSurvey Talk as good asas good asScienceDailyPsychotherapy
This silly parental age thing is such a red herring. Almost every ASD parent I know was in their 20s or early 30s when their child was born. If one separates out ASD singletons from ASD multiples one would certainly see a difference. It is well established that smaller and prem...
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Obesity and Overweight for Professionals: Data and Statistics: Facts - DNPAO - CDC