TheIllinois Department of Public Health announced Friday afternoonthat they would adopt the CDC's updated guidance, even as respiratory viruses across the state are on the rise due to a jump in flu cases, though COVID-19 cases remain low. “IDPH appreciates the new guidance from the CDC tha...
美国最高公共卫生机构正在放宽其COVID-19指南,并放弃美国人在与感染者密切接触时自我隔离的建议。 据美联社消息|2022年8月11日 一个标志要求接种疫苗的人在疫苗接种活动期间保持6英尺的距离,2021年1月27日星期三,在加利福尼亚州格拉斯瓦利的内华...
CDC considering another change to isolation guidelines KTVU's Christien Kafton reports. SAN FRANCISCO - The U.S. could see yet another shift on COVID isolation recommendations in the coming days. The Centers for Disease Control announced shorter isolation times just last week, but is now ...
Last night, the Guangzhou CDC cautioned that people coming or returning to Guangzhou from other provinces must provide a negative COVID test report within 48 hours, immediately report to their community, hotel, or employer,...
CDC公布了一项新研究,重新定义了COVID-19阳性患者与健康人群之间的 “密切接触”。此前的CDC指南指出,如果一个人曾花了15分钟或更多的时间在6英尺内的范围内与感染者待在一起,被认为是密切接触。报道指出,这项新研究使CDC改变了对此事的立场。CDC现在表示,一个人如果在24小时内,在6英尺范围内与具有传染性...
In an essaypublished onlineahead of print in theJournal of Health Politics, Policy and Law, Keller takes stock of the CDC's post-COVID reforms. Much-debated at the agency and in the press, these reforms-in-progress aim to improve the agency's data collection and analysis, and seek to ...
据外媒报道,美国疾病控制和预防中心(CDC)正在警告美国民众,如果他们接触过新冠感染者,无论他们是否出现症状,都应该进行检测。这是对之前建议的颠覆,即对于没有表现出疾病症状的人,即使他们与感染者有过密切接触,也没有必要进行检测。CDC 此前发布的、饱受争议的COVID-19检测指南建议,与感染者有过密切接触的...
NEW YORK (AP)-The head of the nation’s top public health agency on Wednesday announced a shake-up of the organization, saying it fell short responding to COVID-19 and needs to become more nimble. The planned changes at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention — CDC leaders call ...
CDC Updates COVID-19, Influenza Vaccine Recommendations for 2024-2025 Respiratory Virus SeasonJennings, SydneyPatient Care (Online)
While state and local governments and local health authorities can continue to require individuals and businesses to maintain stricter standards than the CDC’s recently updated guidance, the changes reflect the CDC’s current assessment of COVID-19 risk