这与大流行时期的指南有所不同,那些指南更具体地说明了在接触 COVID-19 或检测结果呈阳性后应何时进行隔离以及隔离多长时间,而不是根据症状。但它遵循了相同的一般传染病原则:当你感到不适或出现可能是 COVID 的症状时,无论检测结果是否呈阳性,都要呆在家里,以避免将任何病毒传播给可能因此而病重的人。
2022年8月11日,美国疾病预防和控制中心(CDC)更新了针对COVID-19的公卫管制指南;最引人注目的是“未感染新冠的密接者”不需要隔离、以及取消“6英尺的社交距离要求”【1】。 CDC认为,目前美国的疫情与两年前已经完全不同,所以需要减轻COVID-1...
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention updated its COVID‐19 guidelines to align with guidance for other respiratory illnesses (e.g., RSV and the flu) ( https://bit.ly/49uUKLL ). The update comes as the United States faces fewer hospitalizations and deaths related to COVID‐19....
1、抗病毒治疗。美国食品和药物管理局(FDA)已授权使用抗病毒药物治疗轻度至中度COVID-19中较易患重病的患者。2、抗病毒治疗特异性作用病毒特定部分,阻止病毒在体内繁殖,有助于预防严重疾病和死亡。3、美国国立卫生研究院(NIH)为医疗服务提供者提供了《COVID-19 Treatment Guidelines》,帮助他们与患者合作,并...
美国疾控中心(CDC)发布新冠肺炎长期疾病患者临时治疗指南。指南指出,许多新冠肺炎患者康复后可在社区医疗机构接受长期管理,预防及改善疾病对患者生活质量和器官功能的长期影响。 近期,美国疾控中心(CDC)发布新冠肺炎长期疾病患者临时治疗指南。指南指出,许多新冠肺炎患者康复后可在社区医疗机构接受长期管理,预防及改善疾病对...
CDC Guidelines Latest COVID-19 guidelines to remember The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention guidelines for COVID-19 still call for a period of isolation for those dealing with the virus. This comes after a summer COVID wave appears to have grown in some parts of the country. CBS ...
WASHINGTON, Aug. 26 (Xinhua) -- The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has changed its COVID-19 testing guidelines, no longer recommending testing for most people without symptoms. The new guidelines, updated earlier this week, ask people to get tested if they have sympt...
That’s because COVID is managed at home, using the honor system. “Without school-based testing, no one can enforce a five-day COVID policy,” he said via text message. Ridley School District in the Philadelphia suburbs was already using a policy simila...
从9 月 23 日(周一)起,美国家庭能够获取可检测当前变种的免费新冠检测试剂。 政府允许家庭在 www.COVIDTests.gov 订购四份检测试剂,不过要登录该网站可能得有点耐心。 截至周一上午,该网站的服务器显示处于繁忙状态。 据美国食品药品监督管理局所说,这种新冠检测试剂能够检测当前的新冠变种,能用到年底。
The new recommendations signal that the Biden administration and its medical advisers have decided that the lower fatality rate from covid-19 in a heavily vaccinated population permits a less demanding set of guidelines. "The current conditions of this pandemic are very different from those of the...