Health Promotion PracticePayne, G. H., James, S. D, Jr, Hawley, L., Corrigan, B., Kramer, R. E., Overton, S. N., et al. (2015). CDC’s Health Equity Resource Toolkit: Disseminating guidance for state practitioners to address obesity disparities. Health Promotion Practice, 16 (1...
有意识地寻找多元化观点对于消除健康差异也至关重要。 马萨诸塞州成立了针对医疗公平(health equity)问题的咨询小组,以便社区成员、医疗保健工作者以及其他专家就“在哪里以及如何部署有限资源”提出建议。 马萨诸塞州的疫苗接种策略因其采用率高和覆盖面广而广受好评,其成功离不开该咨询小组的努力。与美国大多数州一...
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) announced Thursday that it will reorganize its Office of Health Equity (OHE) in a way that emphasizes serving racial minorities, foreigners and members of the LGBT community. OHE, under the CDC’s new organizational rules, “coordinates programs...
health equity is near and dear to CDC’s heart. It's really important to CDC that all people have the equal opportunity to achieve their optimal health outcomes. And so providing these critical, lifesaving vaccines is important, not just for children whose parents can afford ...
CDC and the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR) will cosponsor a statistical methods symposium, "Emerging Statistical Issues in Public Health for the 21st Century," January 28-29, 1999, in Atlanta. A short course, "Privacy, Confidentiality, and the Protection of Health Data...
a Create new value Enable more people to attain a better quality of life Create new value Enable more people to attain a better quality of life Supply Chain Operation Municipal Construction and Operation Hospitality & Expos Medical and Health Emerging Industry Investment Press...
the US Department of Health and Human Services Office of Minority Health, said in a news release. "While there has been significant progress in our journey toward health equity, disparities still exist and we must remain vigilant in our efforts to end health disparities in America," she added...
The agency's commitment to evidence-based practices, health equity, and responsive, adaptable guidance makes it an indispensable resource for healthcare professionals, policymakers, and the general public. In conclusion, theCDC's guidelines are a essential component of the nation's public health ...
旧金山加大人口健康与健康平等学院(Population Health and Health Equity)副院长毕宾斯多明哥(Kirsten Bibbins-Domingo)表示,一般来说,她一个N95口罩不会重复五次以上,如果弄脏或弄湿,就会丢掉。 一些专家表示,如果处理、存放得宜,一个口罩最多可以重复使用一周。
"Evidence shows African Americans are at greater risk of getting sick, becoming seriously ill, and dying from COVID-19," saidLeandris Liburd, PhD, MPH, MA, Director of the Office of Minority Health and Healt...