The flu shots are highly recommended for eight kinds of people: medical staff; people participating and serving large events; those working in nursing homes and welfare homes for the elderly; teachers and students of kindergarten...
The Boston Globe
She noted that because last year's flu season was so mild, people don't have the natural immunity to the flu they might have gained if they'd gotten sick, the Times reported.Everyone age 6 months and older should get a flu shot, Walensky advised....
Health authorities are cautioning residents to take extra precautions against the flu virus as its activity intensifies.
Is it too late to get a flu shot? Don’t worry if you missed the unofficial “vaccine before Halloween” memo. We’re in the thick of cold and flu season and any protection you can provide yourself, your loved ones, and your community will benefit public health, says Dr. Robert Hopkin...
However, actual estimates of how well the vaccines are fending off flu cases and severe disease will have to wait until the spring, when results begin to be released from the CDC's ongoing vaccine effectivenessstudies. Last March, the CDCconcludedthat last season's "influenza vaccination did no...
In addition to a nasty strain, the flu vaccines weren't very effective, according to the AP. Despite that, it is still important to get vaccinated, as it makes the flu less severe, and Redfield told the AP that he would "like to see more people get vaccinated....
Levels of influenza nationwide are now at the highest they have been since the peak of the 2009 swine flu pandemic, according tofigurespublished Friday by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, amid this winter'ssecond waveof the virus. ...
I'm a daughter. So you're going to see my 9- and 11-year-old daughters get vaccinated with COVID and flu this fall, my husband, my parents. So we're hoping that everyone will protect themselves when we get into the fall and winter, get their updated COVID shot, as well as a ...
Here’s where and when to get it — and RSV and flu shots, too Studies show that the vaccine would provide infants protection against RSV lower respiratory tract disease and severe lower respiratory tract disease for at least the first six months of their lives. In August, the US Food ...