RESULTS: The 14 NCHS growth charts were revised and new body mass index-for-age (BMI-for-age) charts were created for boys and girls ( The growth percentile curves for infants and children are based primarily on national survey data. Use of national data...
(2005). Utility of childhood BMI in the prediction of adulthood disease: comparison of national and international references. Obesity 13, 1106–1115. Article Google Scholar Kaplowitz P (2006). Pubertal development in girls: secular trends. Curr Opin Obstet Gynecol 18, 487–491. Article Google ...
Stature-for-age Girls, 2 to 20 yrs. BMI-for-age Girls, 2 to 20 yrs. Weight-for-age Girls, 2 to 20 yrs. Stature-for-age Optional Charts Boys 2 to 5 yrs. Weight-for-stature Girls 2 to 5 yrs. Weight-for-stature CDC: Safer - Healthier - People ~ 3 2. INDIVIDUAL AND CLINICAL ...
Cross sectional data on height, weight, and demographics of 14 500 boys and girls of Dutch origin, aged 0-21 years, were collected from 1996 to 1997. BMI references were derived using the LMS method. The 90th, 50th, and 10th BMI centiles of the 1980 study were used as baseline. ...
RESULTS: The 14 NCHS growth charts were revised and new body mass index-for-age (BMI-for-age) charts were created for boys and girls ( The growth percentile curves for infants and children are based primarily on national survey data. Use of national data...
患者17岁,闭经2年。14初潮,来过2次月经后,至今闭经,期间曾使用黄体酮注射液,有撤退性出血。BMI 32.8kg/m2。超声提示子宫内膜厚0.6cm,余未见异常。性激素检查:FSH 4.06mIU/ml,LH 9.06 mIU/ml,E262pg/ml,P0.23ng/ml,T 1.03ng/ml(正常范围...
方法采用损失函数(loss function)和残差平方和(residual sum of square) 对加权三次样条法(weighted cubic smoothing spline)和λ-中位数-变异系数法(λ-median-coefficient of variation,LMS)进行对比研究.结果计算了两种方法拟合各组的身高(height)、体质量(body mass)、体块指数(body mass index,BMI)的损失函数...
C. 接种卡介苗后2-3月接种处可形成红肿、包块、甚至小溃疡 D. 预防接种处抢救药品应常备肾上腺素、地塞米松等 查看完整题目与答案 Many girls like to wear ___ clothes. A. exotic B. mingled C. mundane D. imprisoned 查看完整题目与答案 关于结核病疫苗说法错误的是() A. 卡介苗接种...
如图所示,正弦式交变电源的输出电压和电流分别为U和I 1,理想变压器原线圈的输入电压为U 1,两个副线圈的输出电压和电流分别为U 2和I 2、U 3和I 3,接在原副线圈中的五个完全相同的灯泡均正常发光。则下列表述正确的是()